Nilenza Swiftarrow, Tiger of the Night

Apply to Rhyme and Punishment here, should you be successful you can expect to receive our realm famous membership bag, complete with cheese coupons, half full bottles of wine, and a Toot plush toy.

Topic/Postby Nilenza » 10 Feb 2008, 12:17

Nilenza Swiftarrow

((Please note that this entire post is written as though you are speaking to Nilenza herself.))

Ishnu'dal'dieb, Rhyme and Punishment.

These word are not easy, and nor are they swift, but they are the truth.

I am Nilenza Swiftarrow, a Night Elf Hunter. I'll explain my history first, shall I? I was born in Moonglade, near Nighthaven. My parents... My parents were killed by members of the Horde who, I fear, had had a little too much to drink during the Lunar Festival. I almost fell to the same fate, but I escaped before that was possible. I do not wish ill on my parents' killers, only that I may meet them one day (and thusly cut off their heads). I tamed a tiger for my companion, a female named Isis.

I wish to join this guild to bring what I know of the wilds (and if I may be so bold, that is quite a lot) to the guild. I hope you will accept me as one of your own. My blade and my life are yours in battle, and my loyalty is eternal. I will fight for anything your leaders ask.


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