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Topic/Postby Erethas » 22 Feb 2011, 17:16

It's almost a month, so how about some retrospect, eh?

Personally it has become sort of a "background noise" for me lately. I don't mean that in any negative sense, especially this being my idea and all", it's just that I think the initial enthusiasm has died a bit and I find myself just scrolling to the chat box.

In any case though I did find it useful, and it has helped put some faces on the names, and even more. It shaped up not to be exactly as I imagined (I had the Stormwind City Watch model in mind), but it turned out to be representative of our guild's unique style, and even though you don't really get THAT much about certain characters from their banners, it does set a certain mood that I believe will be very positive for any outsider visiting out page.
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