GaileLok Application.

Apply to Rhyme and Punishment here, should you be successful you can expect to receive our realm famous membership bag, complete with cheese coupons, half full bottles of wine, and a Toot plush toy.

Topic/Postby Gailelok » 10 Apr 2011, 21:41

GaileLok Application.

Character Name:Gaile-Lok
Character Gender: Female
Character Race: Human
Character Class: Hunter
Character Level: currently lvl 18 but dinging fast.
Addons used : GHI, Myroleplay,PetEmote. And other raid addons.

Beast-master as leveling speck.
/played 12 hours. In otherwords started less than a day ago.
Not been in any guilds or in this relm before that I can remember. BUT! it could be years ago, when moonglade was created that I created a guild here called the Silverbrand Cohort with my former rp partner(memory is loopy).

Was pointed your direction when I asked for a rather good quality role-play guild to apply to. Name of person eludes me.

Main on Moonglade. /suffering from lack of baggys, donations welcome!

I have been in wow since early beta, or vanilla. Spent my first year as hard core pvper and raid-leader in one of the largest pve guilds in Europe relms, but left it all behind when I discovered the passion for role-play, and the fact that I enjoy the game more as playing in charecter. Role-playd fully as a troll for few years, was strict role-play community with great demands on quality and devotion. Religious,lore, tribal role-play with community that more behaved like a pack off wolfs than noble mannered orc. In other words we had ranks within guild and depending on your birthright or stature ,your treatment or behavior was affected by it. That guild was strict on using no (()) in /say and it was a guild kick if you ever responded ooc in /say or went out of pg standard in the guild. Was in that guild for 3 years or so, also moonlighted on other relms. Created Silverbrand Cohort with Peronius I belive his name was, just before I left the game for 3 years. I have had few avatars there and there, short story-lines and role-plays, some I had to abandon since the avatar was killed in some pre arranged fights or events. My roleplay range has been from goody goody to the bad bad but all depends on the chars. I avoid all poweremote,godmotes and metagaming. But also practice common sense!

::: Player OOC Details :::

Real Age Bracket: ( (30-35)
Country where you live: Iceland
Your level of English: Good (dyslexia though)
What kind of player are you in terms of time spent online?: Hopeless addict

::: RP Details :::

Character Full Name & Surname: Gaile-Lok
Character Age: 24
Any special character traits: Great cook!
Any races / classes / factions your character hates or is “at war” with? (eg. Warlocks): None but has a fondness for gnomes (fatherly figures to her)
Brief Character History: Commoner, from a family of hunters its in her blood to hunt but herself she is a rather lousy hunter. But good with a bow so she is trying to seek her way through live to become a archer instead. She might have some relations to the matron of the Orphanage in Stormwind but such detail has not been confirmed. Good cook, if she drinks she usually drinks way to much for her to handle. Good nature but is not that trusting of strangers.

How knowledgeable of the Warcraft lore are you?: So-and-so. Always something new to learn.

Your favourite WoW area, and why? Mulgore, since I spent my first 12 days in wow roaming around there all happy on my cow, since I did not know any better. Barrens was a great discovery!

Your fondest RP moment that you remember: Fondest moment was when the "statue" responded to me in charecter. The statue was a orc fury warrior from LoL that never spoke, never moved but remained in one spot in Orgrimmar. Thus was given the name "Statue", we were great friends ooc since my avatars hangout ic was near were he was "parked" and on dull nights we chatted about days and ways.
And one night when my avatar was in peril do to the fact that her legs were still healing after the bones were shattered(long story) that made her a easy target for the scums.
He suddenly responded and acted fully ic to save my avatar from danger. In otherwords that moment was epic and people went omg that the statue had moved and better yet, that famous raider was responding fully ic and emoting. (yes my troll was a mini legend by herself though *coughs* and admit that was the first time she was saved by someone after 3 years of fully ic).

The other fav was when I was stolen from Senjin to open up a door in UBRS(had the key) and since it was our rp hour (5-8 every day in Senjin) I had warned that I would not lead the group just open and go back. But when summoned slapped on leader and told to guide with begs from all in group. Lets say I was fully ic the whole run, with masterloot(bosses only) on and was told it was one of the most fun and epic UBRS run that people had gone through, specially when I was "looting" the bosses.. (messy work).

Why did you choose Rhyme & Punishment? Was told that it was with the more quality role-play guilds around in Moonglade.

Why do you think that we should invite you as a Guild Member? I do think that I would be a nice addition to the guild, I am not the "hero" or the valiant protector but I am a good person and help-full and try the most to be active on the role-play and showing up..

Will you be willing to attend guild meetings?: Yes (irl can take a toll at times)
Will you be willing to attend guild RP events?: Yes (irl can do a toll at times)

Any thoughts or questions you want to ask the guild?: Already asked Fereth about more details about the guild and belief he gave me good enough reply´s.
Junior Member
Posts: 3

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