The Arms warrior now and then: a comprehensive guide.

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Topic/Postby Dremonth » 25 Jun 2011, 11:48

Update 25/6-011

Long time no update. 4.2 is upon us momentarily, and there are a few nerfs that got slammed at the warrior class to even the playing field a bit more.

1) Arms 2hed spec perk is down to 12% extra damage, down from 20%

2) recklessness and deadly calm are on CD during eachothers duration, no stacking anymore!

3) The major 3 cooldowns no longer require stances at all.

First one is a nobrainer, we were too high damage on cloth/leather despite the Csmash nerf, so we get an 8% nerf on all damage we do (were still going to be doing alot of damage despite it). Not to mention the intelligent arms warriors were well able to push the envelope and get PvE dps results they werent supposed to as well.

Second one was a LONG time comming, and is purely a pvp nerf (and not an incredibly harsh one at that, I'l get back to it). Infinite rage and +50% crit is just too good despite a 5 min CD on the latter.

Third one you wouldnt call a nerf per say, but it is bitter when they remove more and more stance specific abilities. I can't see a reason why an arms warrior would swich stance at all right now, what with spell reflect and shield wall being stance neutral, and to me that is bad design.

Now for a few hints since last time, which will undoubtedly help to cope once the 4.2 nerfs are done:

- Reckstorm is your god. This basicaly means macroing Bladestorm and recklessness together, which when used on a Csmashed target becomes wonderfully remeniscent of how the ability used to perform back in Wrath. This is why the deadlycalm+reck nerf isnt really that much of a deal, because you will want to save reck for Bladestorm regardless!

- Macro sweeping strikes into your cooldowns if you have the glyph! It doesnt cost you any rage when glyphed, and the possibility of copying a 30k-40k attack from your main target to the secondary is just too good to be true. Sweeping strikes + reckstorm on multiple enemies is particularly devastating.

- Rallying cry and enraged regen belong together, never use one without the other.
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