I - Simple Beginnings

The Lore of a Loremaster

Topic/Postby Liandrix » 15 Jul 2012, 00:32

I - Simple Beginnings

Simple Beginnings

Stratholme - 17 years prior to the first war.

“Silence!” the old woman bellowed from the other end of the desk as she waved a pencil menacingly at Liandrix.

Liandrix, who hadn’t yet uttered a word, closed his mouth and leaned back into his straight backed chair.

“You will sit here in my office and be silent until your father comes for you young man! He will strike some perspective into you.”

Liandrix doubted that. His father was many things; a stonemason, an honest working man, a loving husband, a smart fellow, but he had never struck Liandrix. He would at best hear the old woman’s words and afterwards have a good laugh over them with his son.

“Margaret I—“

Sister Margaret, and I thought I told you to be silent!” Sister Margaret bent back to her scroll of paper she was filling up furiously with her pencil. Liandrix guessed it was either a report or a letter to his parents.

Liandrix leaned back into his chair again and ran a hand through his long blonde hair. He was seated in Sister Margaret’s office. Or at least, she liked to call it that. It had the size and looks of an oversized closet. There was only one small slanted greasy window that let in little light and a desk in the middle with two chairs. The walls were lined with horrible looking brown wallpaper that seemed to be rotting at places, although somehow, it did not smell. On the desk stood a lit candle, providing more light than the window did.

Liandrix sighed. This was, he mused, the fourth time his magic spells had gotten him into this place.

The last time had been an accident and had not happened that long ago. He had been attempting to simply levitate a fork during breakfast when he had to sneeze so suddenly that he didn’t have the time to end the spell. The force of the spell had been multiplied which such proportions that it had shot through two windows; the one in the living room, and the one of Brad Brimstone’s bedroom who lived at the other end of the street.

The incident before that was caused by a rather overconfident practice of a spell Liandrix liked to use to pluck apples from trees. It had taken a week for the farmer to remove the felled trees from his patch of land. He had planted corn instead.

The first incident was when Liandrix had actually discovered his magical prowess. Although his mother had warned him that it might happen any time soon during his teen years, Liandrix had not expected to incinerate the neighbors’ barking dog simply because he willed it to. Liandrix had been chased by Sister Margaret, all the way to the apple-orchard he would inadvertently destroy a few years later.

These incidents might have been looked at with a slanted eye by the community, Liandrix’ mother, who was practiced at magic herself, had explained to him that he possessed great magical power, and she made sure to, aside from her job as scribe, tutor her son as much as possible. Still, at the age of eighteen and with such power, Liandrix needed a proper teacher. Stratholme wasn’t a place for magic, but a place of the Light. The people here set store by the Church and the Holy Light to guide them, and did not believe in magic much.

The incident that had happened this morning was different from the others, and Liandrix stifled a laugh as he recalled it.

“What was that?” Sister Margaret asked, looking up from her parchment.

“Nothing … Sister, shouldn’t you wear your glasses? You seem to have some trouble writing.”

The Sister glared at him. It was true. Sister Margaret was bent over the parchment as far as her old back would allow, and her eyes were inches removed from the paper as she wrote.

“I would, young man, if I hadn’t misplaced my glasses.” Sister Margaret suddenly pointed her pencil at Liandrix like a troll-spear. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had made them vanish or something.”

Liandrix shrugged and leaned back as he casually let his eyes roam the top of Sister Margaret’s grey head where a pair of spectacles stuck out from her bundled hair. “I’m sure you’ll find them.”

Sister Margaret scowled again. “You think this is funny, boy? I’ll tell you, having a chest blow up in Father Geoffrey’s face is not amusing.”

“It didn’t blow up in his face,” Liandrix said wearily. “It just … rearranged some of his minor features. Besides, I had clearly written a warning note and stuck it onto the chest. He shouldn’t have had a peek.”

Liandrix had been experimenting with forming a spell into a trap using complicated mechanics and to have it activated under certain conditions. He had of course foreseen that someone would have been curious enough to open the chest, but just to be sure someone would, he had put a piece of parchment onto the chest with the words ‘DO NOT OPEN’. That it had been Father Geoffrey that had opened the chest he would never have guessed, he had expected one of the altar boys to succumb to his curiosity. Of course, he had made sure that the spell wouldn’t create any damage to the person. It would at best make sure that Father Geoffrey would think twice about ignoring a warning next time.

Liandrix looked to his left and peered through the greasy window. The sun hung lower in the sky than he had hoped. Although the spell had been successful, the aftermath proved to be rather time consuming.

Sister Margaret seemed to be finished writing her report for she put her pencil down on top of it. Liandrix felt as if she had sheathed her one and only weapon. She looked up at Liandrix and slowly shook her head in a disapproving manner.

“You’re heading down a dark path, Liandrix.”

Liandrix smiled. “I think I’ll be all right, Sister.”

“Your magic, it is stained with the filth of unspeakable things!”

“So is this chair, what did you do with –“

Sister Margaret grabbed her pencil and brandished it like a sword. “You need the Light, child!”

“Can I see a Priest, then?”

"The motivation to study the Arcane should be born out of the understanding of the needs of those who would be affected by it.."

~ Loremaster Liandrix Emmot
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