Jeanette Blackwater

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Topic/Postby Jeannette » 15 Mar 2013, 01:31

Jeanette Blackwater

::: Main Details :::

Character Name: Jeanette
Character Gender: Female
Character Race: Worgan (Portrays self a human)
Character Class: Hunter
Character Level: 45

Current Main & Secondary Spec: Marksmanship & Beast Mastery

Current Primary & Secondary Profession: Skinning & Herbalism

Did you start your character on Moonglade, or transferred (if transferred, state from which realm)? Started on Moonglade

Current Guild you are part of, and any previous Guilds you have been in (if any): Dragon Legion over on Nordrassil .

Do you know, or have been referred by, any current member of RnP? (if so please specify who): No.

If been in previous Guilds, what background were they? Also, a brief history of your previous guild membership experience if possible.
(Hardcore raiding / Casual PVE / RP): My other guild was a basic social guild. I have not roleplayed on WoW but I play D&D, World of Darkness and homebrewed tabletop games.

Is this your main or alt?: Main

Time been on Moonglade: Days

Time been playing WoW: Burning Crusade

::: Player OOC Details :::

Real Age Bracket: (21-25)
Country where you live: England
Your level of English: Good
What kind of player are you in terms of time spent online?: Regular (Would be a hopeless addict if the real world didn't get in the way~)

::: RP Details :::

Character Full Name & Surname: Jeanette Blackwater

Character Age: 28

Any special character traits: She hates admitting to be a Worgan and so will do her best to never let anyone else know. This means she will usually fight solo as she cannot help her transformation when in battle.

Any races / classes / factions your character hates or is “at war” with? (eg. Warlocks): She really hates Worgans.
Brief Character History: Born in Duskhaven to Harold, a tracker and hunter, and Margarette a housewife, she grew up learning how to hunt, skin and gut an animal from a very early age. Unfortunately when the Worgan were released to fight the Horde it was not long before the beasts turned back towards Gilneas and the wall was not enough to keep them out. The outlying villages were hit first but her family refused to run away and abandon their home and so for a long time they fought against the Worgan as best they could. Many people died including her mother but both herself and her father managed to hide out in the basement. They had heard that the king was coming so decided to make a run towards the city and offer their services as skilled hunters. As they made a break for it they managed to get halfway to the outskirts when another pack of the creatures attacked. They fought bravely and got out with their lives but not without being mauled. Limping to the city they offered their service before the loss of blood knocked them out of the fight. Jean didn't not remember what happened after that until the bitter taste of the "cure" was on her tongue and her senses returned. She found out her father had broken out before the cure was given and they did not know his whereabouts any more. She hated what she became and so kept herself in her human form as much as she could, lying about what she is to whoever will believe her.

How knowledgeable of the Warcraft lore are you?: So-and-so (Been away for a year, a lot has changed!)

Your favourite WoW area, and why? It would have to be the Badlands because of the quests around there. Especially "The Day that Deathwing Came: The Real Story" along with any of the dragon quests (...I have a thing for dragons, what can I say, love the scaly bastards!).

Your fondest RP moment that you remember: This would have to be outside of WoW and in my D&D game (Where Cedral Lanceford was DM). I would have to say, the part that sticks out the most for me right now was when my character Lock was protecting the Warlock's academy, the Pact Pits, against a huge group of Drow and their bloody spiders (And slaves and whatever else they could get their tainted hands on). To stop them from all burrowing into the underground housing area, I ran inside one of their tunnels where they were mounting an attack armed with nothing but two exploding arrows in my hand and an insane Star-pact Warlock by my side. We both climbed to the top of the cavern, and stuck the arrows into an iron vein on either side, above the horde. I gestured that she could leave now and convinced her I would be fine but my hand slipped from the rock I was holding just as she left and I fell straight into the center of the pointy eared buggers losing all but 10 of my health. They turned and were about to attack when I got a natural 20 on my Howl of Doom and sent them all flying as the cave tumbled inward, trapping them all and myself. I was ready to die there and then when one of the other Warlock's, Wolfgang, managed to burst in with a mass of iron chains and pull me to safety! ...It was awesome.

Why did you choose Rhyme & Punishment? I was looking for a guild where myself and my partner Cedral Lanceford (not in game partner) could get some quality role playing done but not having to be 100% serious all the time~

Why do you think that we should invite you as a Guild Member? I would like to say because of my charming demeanor and incredible writing skills but I'm not sure either of those things exist... So, failing that lets say it's because I can write adequately and I get along with most people and I enjoy a good role play~

Will you be willing to attend guild meetings?: Maybe really depends on if I am working I'm afraid~
Will you be willing to attend guild RP events?: Maybe same as before~

Any thoughts or questions you want to ask the guild?: Nope, just that I hope to hear from you soon~
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