An evening at the Forge

Perhaps you're organising an event, or maybe know of one, here's the place to let the world know.

Topic/Postby Finna » 30 Sep 2013, 13:43

Ok, new chances! Sunday 13th of october 2013 at 20:30h
Place: Military ward, around the firepit.

Will place invites in the calendar tonight!

I usually only invite guildleaders so they can put it on their calendar again. Now I often notice those guildleaders don't put it on their calendars (not looking at you Seren). Is there anyone (also for other events, and perhaps for Torm's list as well) who wants to be invited seperatly? This I ofcourse will also ask the people in the other guilds. I've kinda had it with people not getting invites because their guildleaders don't put invites on their' guilds calendars, so I'm now asking people directly if they want to join the invite list.

[Liandrix] says: On a scale from one to ten... what is your favourite colour from the alphabet?

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