
Apply to Rhyme and Punishment here, should you be successful you can expect to receive our realm famous membership bag, complete with cheese coupons, half full bottles of wine, and a Toot plush toy.

Topic/Postby gavalon » 21 Nov 2013, 23:42


Character Name: Gavalom
Character Gender: M
Character Race: Human
Character Class: Paladin
Character Level: 24

Current Main & Secondary Spec: Retribution only currently

Current Primary & Secondary Profession: Blacksmithing and Mining

Did you start your character on Moonglade, or transferred (if transferred, state from which realm)? Always been here
Current Guild you are part of, and any previous Guilds you have been in (if any): No guild

Do you know, or have been referred by, any current member of RnP? (if so please specify who): Found the guild on the guild finder

If been in previous Guilds, what background were they? Also, a brief history of your previous guild membership experience if possible. (Hardcore raiding / Casual PVE / RP): On a previous character (back in vanilla and bc days), I used to be in a very heavy rp based guild.

Is this your main or alt?: Alt but intend to spend a lot of time him

Time been on Moonglade: Impossible to say
Time been playing WoW: Since first 6 months of vanilla

::: Player OOC Details :::

Real Age Bracket: (21-25)
Country where you live: UK (Yorkshire to be exact)
Your level of English: Good depending on who you ask
What kind of player are you in terms of time spent online?: Hopeless Addict

::: RP Details :::

Character Full Name & Surname: Gavalom Astradamus
Character Age: 28
Any special character traits: Always the first into the fray
Any races / classes / factions your character hates or is “at war” with? (eg. Warlocks): Lich King Undead ( Forsaken are OK )
Brief Character History: A refugee from Lordaeron, my family dead from Arthas's assualt on the living, I had nothing left to live for. Until a Knight of the Silver Hand sacrificed his life to save mine. On that day and his mace, I swore that my life would be devoted to the light and the eradication of the evils of the world.

How knowledgeable of the Warcraft lore are you?: Very / So-and-so. Depending on the subject, I know either a lot or a little

Your favourite WoW area, and why? The classic vanilla areas after cataclysm areas,

Your fondest RP moment that you remember: Me and a few friends went up against some Horde Players in Outland, battle cries full of " For the Alliance filled the air!"

Why did you choose Rhyme & Punishment? Seemed to be the most rp centric guild on moonglade

Why do you think that we should invite you as a Guild Member? Willing to participate and help out where I can

Will you be willing to attend guild meetings?: Yes
Will you be willing to attend guild RP events?: Yes
Any thoughts or questions you want to ask the guild?: How often do you meet up?
Junior Member
Posts: 5

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