Tormeron's events: the Stories

It's happy hour, the alcohol is flowing. It's time to pull up a tankard of ale, bottle of wine for the ladies and regail tales of heroism and grandeur.

Topic/Postby Gergel » 22 Jul 2014, 23:01


/e ninjas Chepi's / Claresta's post describing today's event.

The jailbreak-chaser group from several weeks ago gathers in Wetlands at the Night Elf camp at Greenwarden's Grove. It is far too late to attend the secret meeting of their fugitive elf, so the people briefly discuss the next plans. The most recent copy of their trusty Gnomish newspaper describes several mysterious and exciting incidents happening... all near Stormwind, which is actually quite far away.

Mysterious murlocs who are being taught by (yet another!) mysterious figure in black to summon demons! (Unsure if demons are mysterious or not.)
A mysterious knight stalking Darkshire graveyard. No, it's not Thelarwen, she does occasionally skulk around graveyards but only destroys the hostile undead. This knight might, on the other hand, have abducted two local kids.
A mysterious goblet that is said to be able to turn water and wine into beer! Coalbrow is not present so there is less interest than usual. Except, of course, by the dwarf and pandaren of the group.

As the group is deciding which course to pursue - or if they should in fact try and chase after the jailbroken elf (iElf?) - Aroona suddenly derails all well-laid plans and presents a mysterious ring of Night Elven design. She says the item has been in her possession for a day and has been making her progressively uneasy. The reasonable approach is, of course, to hand the ring to Tessliana, the only (PC) Night Elf currently present. That does not go so well.

Tessliana immediately starts getting mysterious (yes, I love using that word) visions of destruction. Dalaran, boom! Teldrassil, boom boom! Feralas, BOOM! Alliance attacking Elves! FLAME! DEATH! DESTRUCTION! COWER MORTALS BEFORE THE WRATH OF LORD... wait, wrong character. The ring's magic affects Tess so badly, she sees everyone else as enemies and almost attacks them. Fortunately a few group members manage to subdue her and remove her ring. Siaraa the monk uses her soothing spells to calm her and fortunately Tessliana regains her senses quickly. Siaraa takes ownership of the ring, as she is capable of shielding herself from its influence. Also, she is not a Night Elf.

So the group decides to travel to Feralas to try and find two other rings which were also in Tess' visions.

At Menethil gates they are stopped by very unfriendly local guards who claim that the local inn had just been robbed and that they would be searching everyone, or else turn them away from the gates. Most others go through the process with minimal discomfort but the guards try to apprehend Tess, suspecting her to be one of the robbers, to immediately ship her off to Stormwind to be tried... by the King himself. Which is highly suspicious. With some threatening and cajoling from the rest of the group, the guards are eventually convinced to let Tess pass.

In the town of Menethil all the other local residents also treat the Elf with disdain. Except for one old man in the inn, who claims that everyone in town had gone... strange... only mere hours ago. Just about as Tess suffered her own attack from the ring. The old man had apparently been protected by his magical amulet.

Mysterious magic is obviously afoot. While others settle down in the inn (and Lilandris takes every possible opportunity to flirt with Aroona), Siaraa (who had previously been hit on by one of the guards) decides to go back to the bridge and perhaps get the guards to spill some more information. Strangely, as she reaches the bridge, she sees an entirely different group of guards who are not hostile at all and tell her that they have no idea who the previous bunch had been. Mysteriouser and mysteriouser. She also happens to find an item near the bridge: a voodoo doll of obviously Trollish design, in the image of a Night Elf.

The idol is examined, deemed to be eeeeeeevil! and summarily crushed in Thelarwen's iron-clad hand. This appears to have the effect of slowly starting to bring the locals out of their Night-Elf-hating-stupor.

As the rest of the group retires upstairs to get some sleep, Thelarwen the Death Knight stays at her spot in the corner of the inn and keeps her unblinking eyes on the inn's entrances to make sure there are no stabby surprises sneaking in to visit the Night Elf.

To be continued... with a boat ride to Kalimdor, soon.
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Gergel Cosmic Smash!
Posts: 1995
Location: Estonia

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