Tormeron's events: the Stories

It's happy hour, the alcohol is flowing. It's time to pull up a tankard of ale, bottle of wine for the ladies and regail tales of heroism and grandeur.

Topic/Postby Claresta » 22 Jul 2014, 23:43

More than happy for Gergel to continue these stories but I had already typed this up so may as well paste it. From Chepi's POV of course.

Sat in Menethil harbour, Chepi compiles some notes.

We had missed the meeting in Menethil Harbour. I can't quite comprehend why that is, perhaps Aroona was too busy sleeping - I mean 'Investigating the Emerald Dream' of course, Lil had to run to get more tobacco and whatever else she fills her pipes with or simply that Adrenus was being his usual docile self. Either way we missed it.

We regrouped back in the Elven Greenwarden encampment. Whilst pondering our next move Aroona all of a sudden presented to Adrenus a ring. I don't know about any one else but when I find rings and amulets out in the wilderness, or wherever she got this one, I usually have it up for auction as fast as possible.

The ring had a certain power that nobody could quite understand. When Tess got hold of it she saw horrific visions of the destruction of Teldrassil. I think Dalaran may have also been mentioned as well as Dire Maul of all places. Suddenly and without warning Tess blurted out that it was the Alliance who were attacking the Night Elf home. Our attempts to then calm her down had the opposite effect. She actively blamed us for it and almost attacked us. Silsbury and Siaraa were able to subdue her.

Siaraa is well trained in keeping calm so she offered to hold this one ring from then onwards.

We decided we would investigate Feralas so we then went off to Menethil Harbour to catch a ship to Kalimdor. How quaint. Where was a Dippy portal when you needed one?

Still if we would of travelled more directly then we would have missed the sheer joyful hospitality of Menethil Harbour. No sooner than we got to the bridge when we were almost arrested for thieving. I know these guards have boring jobs but don't they have better things to do than harass random strangers? We had our bags investigated as apparently food was stolen from the Inn recently. Did they not notice we had A Pandaren with us? As if we would still have spare food on us.

The guards took an immediate dislike to Tess and so did the whole town in general. According to a Human fellow we met in the Inn a little later, A curse had affected the whole town. He was only protected by a charm he carried. Oddly enough the curse seemed to have affected the town at about the same time as Tess had got hold of that ring. Didn't I say we should have just disenchanted it there and then?

We missed the ship to Kalimdor so decided to book rooms at the Inn. Tess wasn't really keen on this but we agreed to take turns in keeping watch and Thelarwen wouldn't sleep anyway. Siaraa went out to question the guards about the bag searches and theft at the inn. Turns out nothing may have been taken from the Inn after all. The guards Siaraa questioned were on a different shift so I'm uncertain she was able to find any more information. She did however find an unusual idol whilst outside which was destroyed and would therefore end the towns curse in a short amount of time.

I sit here quite exhausted now. I do hope Lil and Aroona don't make too much noise tonight.
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