Tormeron's events: the Stories

It's happy hour, the alcohol is flowing. It's time to pull up a tankard of ale, bottle of wine for the ladies and regail tales of heroism and grandeur.

Topic/Postby Gergel » 15 Oct 2014, 08:26

The group that gathered near Andorhal last evening was quite a big one. Fourteen people, Adrenus had not led a group that size since the fateful incident with the three-headed fire-breathing murloc deep under the roots of Teldrassil. And that had been such a horrible experience that he had blocked it out and no longer even remembers it himself.

"Why are we here?" was of course the question on everyone's mind. No one really had an answer for that, but an Alliance death knight took advantage of the situation just then and tossed a few suggestions their way.

A large group of undead had just left Andorhal, heading for a nearby farm. The farmers would be in danger and would need protecting. Alternatively a priest of the Light had been seen heading south towards the chapel.

Would the group be split in two, one half to go help the farmers and the other to look for and protect the priest? Nope, splitting was out of the question. Adrenus held a quick poll to determine which way to go, and with the massively overwhelming majority of... er... seven against seven (I counted six votes plus Adrenus himself earlier), it was decided to head towards the farm. On the way the group mysteriously shrunk, as several people suddenly and inexplicably discovered that they were altogether in the wrong place and with the wrong group of people, and slunk away, tails between their legs. (Most of them, for some reason, were indeed worgen). Luckily Serendipity showed up just then, replenishing their numbers (and one Serendipity is definitely worth five random worgen).

The advancing army turned out to be not just the undead, but more precisely, the Forsaken. With their vastly overwhelming numbers and firepower they promptly attacked the group, forced everyone back towards the buildings, set the cornfield ablaze, followed by torching the buildings as well. This forced the distressed adventuring party back even farther, behind the buildings and into the forest.

A small group of Forsaken stealth troops apparently decided that merely forcing the Alliance farmers and adventurers back would not be enough and decided an assault was in order. There were a few scuffles, Serendipity was stabbed... only for the Forsaken to discover that she had learned from her experience with Clara and taken to wearing reinforced robes. The only damage was to Serendipity's pride, as the force of the stab knocked her on her arse, but otherwise she was quite unharmed and gleefully happy about the situation. The Forsaken were quickly put down.

Just then an Alliance battalion happened to ride in from the north. Wait, west. No, they came from the west, except from the group's perspective it was north. Y'know, just forget it, they come from *waves hand* over yonder.

Would the tide of the battle now be turned? Surely this group of warriors would gladly lend a hand in the ever-present Alliance-Horde conflict. Nope, "I'm afraid we cannot help you," and they began to ride away again.

Even the Forsaken were disgusted by this. And so a sniper decided to blow the battalion's leader's head off. There was much rejoicing. Well, not really, but no one was too sad either. The remaining battalion moved to the south to chase the sniper, and that was the last we saw of them.

At that point the more hot-headed members of the group decided to do one last push against the Forsaken and returned to the battlefield of scorched corn. There was a quick scuffle which was ended by a Forsaken of rather low intelligence, but equipped with a rather large explosive device. When the bomb went off, it took out most of the undead while only marginally harming the adventurers who were, in most cases, either quick enough to get away or armoured (and far) enough to just weather the blast.

Except for poor Adrenus who was too close to the explosion and got his face burned and his right eye scorched for his trouble. While Aroona's quick healing spells managed to save most of Adrenus' face, the eye was badly damaged and only time will tell if it will heal, or if Adrenus will forever be doing his best one-eyed pirate impersonation from now on.

The rest of the Forsaken ran off, and since no one was really feeling up to giving chase, everyone took Dippy's advice "We could be in the pub!" and went to the pub.
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Gergel Cosmic Smash!
Posts: 1995
Location: Estonia

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