Sanna's Application.

Apply to Rhyme and Punishment here, should you be successful you can expect to receive our realm famous membership bag, complete with cheese coupons, half full bottles of wine, and a Toot plush toy.

Topic/Postby Sanna » 30 Oct 2014, 00:36

Sanna's Application.

::: Main Details :::

Character Name: Sanna
Character Gender: (F)
Character Race: Draenei
Character Class: priest
Character Level: 90

Current Main & Secondary Spec: holy

Current Primary & Secondary Profession: none

Did you start your character on Moonglade, or transferred (if transferred, state from which realm)?: i'm going to transfer my priest from Stormreaver to moonglade, if this application gets approved. ( i have "reserved" name sanna from moonglade.)
Current Guild you are part of, and any previous Guilds you have been in (if any): current: Zeroprogress with main char.

Do you know, or have been referred by, any current member of RnP? (if so please specify who): Nope.

If been in previous Guilds, what background were they? Also, a brief history of your previous guild membership experience if possible. (Hardcore raiding / Casual PVE / RP): Well i have been in many different raiding guilds during my WoW history. (started at end of vanilla), i have been guild main tank during cataclysm, i have been always mostly a hardcore raider.

Is this your main or alt?: alt.

Time been on Moonglade: (days / weeks / months / years): Zero.

Time been playing WoW: (Since Vanilla / Burning Crusade / WotLK / Cataclysm / MoP): since end of Vanilla.

::: Player OOC Details :::

Real Age Bracket: (12-15) (16-20) (21-25) (25-30) (30-35) (35+!!): 21-25 (actually 21 at december.)
Country where you live: Finland.
Your level of English: (Good / So-and-So / Poor): Well, mostly good.
What kind of player are you in terms of time spent online?: (Hopeless addict / Regular / Rarely online) Extreme hopeless addict with no social life or job / school. Should i laugh or cry?

::: RP Details :::

Character Full Name & Surname: Sanna (draenei don't usually have surnames.)
Character Age: 18 000+
Any special character traits: Mysterious
Any races / classes / factions your character hates or is “at war” with? (eg. Warlocks): Blood Elf's
Brief Character History: One of the elder priests of exodar, forced to leave from her home, after blood elf's sabotaged their only change to find aid to retake their tempest keep, trying to find the answer to stop blood elf's when portal opens to Durotar, and stop the corruption.

How knowledgeable of the Warcraft lore are you?: (Very / So-and-so / no clue): Some knowledge from time that i have played, but don't know the "deep" lore, only that warcraft itself gives to know.

Your favourite WoW area, and why? Uldum & Tanaris. - I just love that desert, and travelling around it.

Your fondest RP moment that you remember: Travelling with 2 friends across the whole kalimdor with ground mounts at 60% speed and stopping on every city across the path.

Why did you choose Rhyme & Punishment?: seems to be one of the "best" RP guilds at this moment.

Why do you think that we should invite you as a Guild Member? It depends on you, what you chose to.

Will you be willing to attend guild meetings?: (Yes / No / Maybe): Yes.
Will you be willing to attend guild RP events?: (Yes / No / Maybe): Yes.

Any thoughts or questions you want to ask the guild?: Off topic-> Is 14hr/day WoW too much? :A

Other: I have thought all the time to start RPing, and i finally feel that i could start it, because PvP and PvE have became too casual nowadays, and i'm kinda "oldschool" player, that it starts to seem like there no room for people like me on normal servers, because everyone is wanting to raid for gear, not for raid itself, and everything is nowadays too serious, that can't even get a group to just explore or "hang out" etc.

And to the end: imaginary potato.
Thanks for reading.

E: Fixed few points.
Posts: 4

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