Izzy Kade's application

Apply to Rhyme and Punishment here, should you be successful you can expect to receive our realm famous membership bag, complete with cheese coupons, half full bottles of wine, and a Toot plush toy.

Topic/Postby Lilandris » 18 Dec 2014, 07:10

Cage fighting at 15? She was quite the young upstart wasn't she? ;)

Either way, I find myself intrigued. And by way of your description of the fighting club, I gather you're not in the aforementioned "badass warrior who no one can beat"-class of RPer. So this looks good to me.

Also, I'd like to ask: do you find it likely you'll be playing this character a lot? (i.e. not just playing it for a few weeks then putting it back in the attic)

If you -do- intend to play this character actively (not constantly of course, we all have alts and real life etc.), then I'd like you to reach out to an officer for an interview. :)

that'd be myself - Lilandris

Or any of these:
Serendipity (the queen bee herself!)
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