A winding road

Take a look into the life of a not-so-ordninary servant of the light!

Topic/Postby Lilandris » 21 Dec 2014, 15:39

A winding road

So I had some time on my hands to put down a few words here. A bit of a recap/prologue (that's an odd combo). Simple stuff for once, but I hope you enjoy it nontheless!

Also, Aroona, if you want to, you are welcome to put down a few words alongside this too. Just post it to this thread in which case. :)


A winding road

The long road. The wind in your hair as you ride onwards - the foremost symbol of individual freedom. Not just from bonds or duties, but from -all- things, - even ourselves. It’s a good way to clear your head, - consider the things that have happened and what might come next. Oh yes, it’s been an eventful year - No sooner than we’d cleaned up Orgrimmar of the last Kor’Kron fascists, Garrosh Hellscream escaped from his incarceration and by some strange means went back to Draenor in an alternate timeline and united the orc clans to set upon our world before Gul’Dan could corrupt them with the help of the Burning Legion.

But it wasn’t all bad. All things considered, it’s nice to see Draenor again. Never thought I’d see it again, and frankly I could hardly remember too much of it on account of my memory loss. A lot of it is coming back as I travel around, though most of my time is spent on the inside of a tank - a Thaurissan Mk. III prototype in fact, in service to the Alliance. It’s an honor to be given the chance to drive that thing. - Tore down an orc outpost tower in Nagrand with a single shell! And she’s easy on the eyes too. A marvel of dwarven and gnomish engineering indeed.

But the highlight of it all is without a doubt the fact that I’ve been wed with a beautiful Gilnean lady - Aroona. We haven’t known each other for too long - a little less than a year I think, but we appear to fit together very well. I feel very lucky to have found someone so nice, strong and devoted. If I am to believe her words, she feels the same way too. She is younger in body than I am. I’ve always thought I would be the younger one in my relationships - it’s been thus until now anyway. I can’t help but smile when I think of her sweet face or say her name out loud. Our marriage seems perfect for the time being and the foreseeable future. She’s a little inexperienced, but sharper than Stormwind steel. Poor girl lost her parents during the Worgen curse outbreak - from what she’s told me, evidence suggests she was the cause of their demise in her incontrolable rage when she’d been turned. I imagine she feels the same way I do about mother, if not worse. I’m glad I can be an anchor for her in this world. In truth, I need her as much as she needs me. We even took a new surname for ourselves when we were married. “Ambervale”. It fits us nicely I’d say.

The road ahead looks like it has it’s fair share of trouble on it. It is a winding road. But with my loving, supporting wife by my side, and good friends and allies at my back, I say it’s nothing we can’t handle. Let the Iron Horde come, we will give them a taste of Stormwind steel and hot, dwarven lead. And if that’s not enough, the Light will smite them down as well. Already we’ve lost friends both old and new, and none of them will be forgotten or left unavenged. The Light will be with them, as it will be with us as we go forth on this dark winding road.
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