Application Form: Neffarious

Apply to Rhyme and Punishment here, should you be successful you can expect to receive our realm famous membership bag, complete with cheese coupons, half full bottles of wine, and a Toot plush toy.

Topic/Postby Lilandris » 09 Nov 2015, 19:05

This looks alright to me.

You said you left a previous guild because they didn't RP enough. What sort of RP was this (or the lack thereof) Was it lacking casual RP or events?

Reason I'm asking is because currently (especially now at the end of an expansion) fewer of us are active every day. We have roughly one event per week that Tormeron puts together, but the "everyday" casual meetups and hang-outs don't really happen that much. Just thought you should know this.

That being said, I can definitely tell you we're a guild of great, friendly people who have great times together, even if it's often just OOC.

If you're still interested in joining, contact an officer for an interview.

Current active officers are:


(I may have missed someone, but either way, feel free to poke anyone who's online in the guild to ask if an officer is online on an alt or such if you don't see any of the names from the list above. :) )
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