Windows 10 First impressions

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Topic/Postby Sarawr » 17 Dec 2015, 19:54

Same here with Traest. Didn't agree to it.

Double post merged on 17 Dec 2015 20:45

Actually, Cortana isn't supported in this area and with this language (Finnish), so it's disabled for that reason. :Q

Double post merged on 17 Dec 2015 20:47

Also, I found the settings for Cortana just by clicking the logo and typing it. Not that hard to find if you know how to use the search feature, really.

Double post merged on 17 Dec 2015 20:54

Also, found the additional settings for when the updates takes place. And, considering that you are testing it at work, do you have admin access? If you don't, that might be the reason why you can't tweak with things properly. If you are at work, it is obvious why they don't have the home version there.

I suggest that if you really want to test it out, do it on your home computer and not at work.
Traest wrote:RP is like farting. If you have to force it, it's probably shit.

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