Rhyme to Join Rhyme and Punishment

Apply to Rhyme and Punishment here, should you be successful you can expect to receive our realm famous membership bag, complete with cheese coupons, half full bottles of wine, and a Toot plush toy.

Topic/Postby Thazmathilas » 18 Jan 2008, 17:08

Rhyme to Join Rhyme and Punishment

It was in Menethil Harbor it struck me,
It was on that very dock that I did see,
That life with Nature was not enough for an elf,
Nay, we need companionship, else we die to ourself.

A blue streak of lightning flashed past my eyes,
As fast as the cheetah flies.
Lilandris was her name, it still sticks in my mind,
How lucky I was, for to that Draenei to find.

She told me about your happy gathering,
A group intended for more than dragon-murdering.
Your name made me write this letter in this way,
Anything for your favors to sway.

Would you consider the humble application of a nocturnal druid,
Well mannered, able to swim like a seal, and like a cat fluid?
Thazmathilas is my name, I can pick flowers and skin,
And sometimes, in Moonglade RP, I against minor foes win.

Kind regards,
Thazmathilas the Night Elf

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