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Topic/Postby Gergel » 09 Mar 2016, 09:04

Juste's image shows up OK for me.

Anyway, here's my own Argentish (grey and golden) mage cloth set. I don't really like pants on clothies, it always feels like a proper mage should have a robe on her. That's full craftable Vicious Embersilk set, except the head which is fugly. I'm afraid I don't remember what I'm using for a headpiece, if anything (maybe just "hide helm").

ViciousEmbersilk.jpg (31.78 KiB) Viewed 179555 times

And Thelarwen's default set, which also looks very nice for an Argent, can be found TBC heroics: the Righteous Armor.

Righteous.jpg (29.86 KiB) Viewed 179555 times
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Gergel Cosmic Smash!
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