Forum bug reports

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Topic/Postby Gergel » 08 Jul 2016, 09:14

Sarawr, this happens under the following circumstances:

* There are at least two unread topics in a subforum.
* You click on the "go to latest unread post" button. This will show you the latest post on the latest topic. (The next-to-latest topic will remain unread.)
* You go back to the forum list and refresh.

What happens when you now click on the "latest post" button again is that you should be directed to latest unread post in the latest unread thread. However, instead you are directed to the latest unread post in the most recent thread. This latest post is in a thread which you have already read, therefore there's no "unread" message to show you, therefore you will be put on the top of the last page of the thread.

This "go to last unread post" functionality on the forum main page is not actually available in vanilla PHPBB and was added with a mod, which clearly has a bit of a logic error ("last unread, even if in an earlier thread" vs. "latest"). I'm sorry but I don't know how to fix that. If you run into the problem, you need to click on a specific forum to see the threads, and from the thread list page the per-thread "last unread" button works correctly.
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Gergel Cosmic Smash!
Posts: 1995
Location: Estonia

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