WoW Gold Limit reached

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Topic/Postby Fereth » 19 Jan 2008, 01:10

L?ntaria wrote:I always just dump stuff at for me fixed rates, no matter what the `price of the day is`, and let them run for 48hrs...

High end herbs pre TBC (thingies like Samsan etc) at 10s per plant, netherweave at 3g a stack, food a 10s a piece, cooked fish at 15s a piece etc etc etc (no motes or primals though, i`m always muting something anyways).

Didn`t had any returns of none sale so far, but I can`t arse myself to play the AH, I play eBay enough already.

I did play with auction house for few days. I bought herbs and made elixirs witch gave me few extras per stack. With in a week I made 100G to almost 1000G, but unfortunately the herb prices have sky rocketed up and it's not that profitable any more.
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