'Among Us' Party

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Topic/Postby Shevron » 01 Oct 2020, 21:14

'Among Us' Party

Oh look! A general discussion chat that isn't a birthday!

I'll get to the point. Unless you've been living under a rock this past month, you may have heard about a little €4 game called Among Us.

It's a fun little multiplayer game of deception that requires 5-8 players, which is absolute toxic cancer is you play with randoms, but a fun experience if you play it with people you actually know.

I wanna play it, but I have no friends. Shocking I know.

Anyone would be interested in putting together a nice guild posse and play some Among Us?


* The Game (it's dirt cheap) - https://store.steampowered.com/app/945360/Among_Us/
* A microphone and the willingness to actually use it, as communication during discussions and emergency meetings is of paramount importance.
* Discord - we'll create a channel just for the game.

Look it up on YouTube if you want more gameplay details.

Register your interest here.
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