Loreyna Wilkes

Apply to Rhyme and Punishment here, should you be successful you can expect to receive our realm famous membership bag, complete with cheese coupons, half full bottles of wine, and a Toot plush toy.

Topic/Postby Loreyna » 02 Jun 2010, 02:21

Loreyna Wilkes

::: Main Details :::

Character Name:

Loryena Wilkes.

Character Gender:


Character Race:


Character Class:


Character Level:

Low, most likely 20ish when I attempt to join.

Current Main & Secondary Spec:


Current Primary & Secondary Profession:


Did you start your character on Moonglade, or transferred (if transferred, state from which realm)?

I certainly started here. However, this is a remake of an old character, and thus is more of a clean slate than a 'veteran of the server' character of any sort.

Current Guild you are part of, and any previous Guilds you have been in (if any):

None, currently. However, my previous guilds were (from earliest to latest, by hazy recollection):

[INDENT]The Defias Renegades

The Stormwind Militia

The Crows

The Professionals

Plenty of small, low-key guilds - generally set up with small groups of long-standing friends.

The Fifth Regiment

Do you know, or have been referred by, any current member of RnP? (if so please specify who):

I -know- quite a lot of you, whether many of you know me is another matter entirely! Off the top of my head I can remember having encounters with Pepple, Xantippe, Syrah, Serendipity, Falcore and Claudette - admittedly not on Loreyna, but over the vast sea of alts I once had.

If been in previous Guilds, what background were they? Also, a brief history of your previous guild membership experience if possible. (Hardcore raiding / Casual PVE / RP):

They've all been roleplaying, in the past, except a fleeting experience in Baranor's guild following the Regiment's disbandment. Experience? I was very much out of the lime light during the early years of Moonglade, bouncing between the many rogueish and guard guilds alike with the logistical coordination of a headless chicken.

I find that, over time, I've become more accustomed to taking more leadership-styled roles and more importantly, sticking with a guild. This goes hand-in-hand with the general improvement I think I've gone through over the years, and the maturity of growing up. I was dismally young when I made my first character here, so that might be a pointer toward my bouncing back and forth between guilds.

Is this your main or alt?:

This will be my alt. I'm currently on Argent Dawn with my main, though in the summer I will have plenty of time on my hands to get settled into this character, too.

Time been on Moonglade:

Five years.

Time been playing WoW:

Since vanilla.

::: Player OOC Details :::

Real Age Bracket:


Country where you live:


Your level of English:


What kind of player are you in terms of time spent online?:

Somewhere between hopelessly addicted and regular.

::: RP Details :::

Character Full Name & Surname:

Loreyna Wilkes

Character Age:


Any special character traits:

She walks with a slight limp, an injury to her hip on the right side making walking an laborious endeavour at times.

Any races / classes / factions your character hates or is “at war” with? (eg. Warlocks):

Loreyna is rather xenophobic, and was notably one of the more zealous commanders, this - however - has been toned down quite thoroughly following the regiment's destruction. Warlocks, necromancers and the like would be individuals that she'd meet with strong hostility and violence.

She does not particularly like death knights, despite - at one point - one of her closest friends, Vespasian, being one himself. She views them with a sense of disgust and admiration.

Those she perceives as weak or cowardly are often regarded with contempt by Loreyna, but this has been very much veiled in recent months.

Brief Character History:

Loreyna was born into a small family, her father - a soldier - dying in service leaving her, her mother and her sister to fend for themselves. Her mother turned to drink, and her sister - always the favourite in her mother's eye - turned to more lewd vocations.

Loreyna broke away from the two at an early age. Sickened by the pair and ashamed to bare their reputation, she worked hard to not only support herself, but the pair that she regarded with such bitterness and contempt.

Urged on by her perpetual fear of weakness - or, similarly, being any resemblance of her mother - she joined the armed forces as soon as she could, hoping she might follow her father's footsteps and live a more reputable, disciplined life.

Yada yada yada-...

Loreyna's regiment was one of the first to land upon the frozen continent's barren shores. Skipping on, they were all but destroyed by the battle of the death gate - reinforcing Loreyna's bitterness, hate and patriotic fervour as a way to deal with the inevitable pang of grief and horror.

She soon took it upon herself to reform the regiment, becoming a fairly notable commander of the small contingent - renowned for sheer ruthlessness in throwing away her men's lives for victory and her passion in servitude.

The Loreyna presented now is following the destruction of the regiment for a second time - very much her own doing - and the changes that this provoked within her.

How knowledgeable of the Warcraft lore are you?:


Why did you choose Rhyme & Punishment?

You seem like very nice people; I wanted a return to Moonglade and this character and you seemed the best place to do this; you're all good roleplayers which is - of course - a plus and you're supposedly rather active, still.

Why do you think that we should invite you as a Guild Member?

I'm a huge supporter of world roleplay, I tend to make this a big feature of my characters and roleplay I make, so that might be of interest to you.

I like to make small, on-the-spot events - might be something you like.

I'd see myself as a good roleplayer, with admittedly a lot of room to improve, as anyone does - I'm quite a good descriptor, which can be a double edged sword.

Because you're just wonderful like that.

Will you be willing to attend guild meetings?:


Will you be willing to attend guild RP events?:

Of course!

Any thoughts or questions you want to ask the guild?:

Nope. Except how you're all doing. Beside that, is it ok if I shove this here in advance? I'd like to try and scoot into the guild when I've done my GCSEs, which end in a couple of weeks time.
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Posts: 3

Topic/Postby Loreyna » 02 Jun 2010, 02:22

A laborious endeavour, rather.*


I'll add something in-character tomorrow-... Later today... If need be. I need to stop staying up so late! =(
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Posts: 3

Topic/Postby Erethas » 02 Jun 2010, 06:27

Oh, hey, I remember you!
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Topic/Postby Loreyna » 02 Jun 2010, 10:29

Erethas wrote:Oh, hey, I remember you!

Indeed! Nice ta' see you again. ;)
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Posts: 3

Topic/Postby Pepple » 02 Jun 2010, 11:24

Goes without saying that this app has my definate approval.
Shevron wrote:(that came out larger than I expected)
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Topic/Postby Shevron » 02 Jun 2010, 11:34

Totally! Poke me, or one of the other officers for an interview!
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