Skormm Tennyn.

Apply to Rhyme and Punishment here, should you be successful you can expect to receive our realm famous membership bag, complete with cheese coupons, half full bottles of wine, and a Toot plush toy.

Topic/Postby Skormm » 30 Jul 2010, 15:55

Skormm Tennyn.

Rhyme & Punishment Application Form

::: Main Details :::

Character Name:Mr Skormm Tennyn
Character Gender: Male.
Character Race: Human.
Character Class: Rogue.
Character Level: 8 (Currently questing)

Current Main & Secondary Spec: Going for combat as a primary spec, will not adopt a secondary.

Current Primary & Secondary Profession: None.

Did you start your character on Moonglade, or transferred (if transferred, state from which realm)?
My character is originally from Moonglade.

Current Guild you are part of, and any previous Guilds you have been in (if any):
My other characters, being on a PvE realm are part of a casual raid guild call Espionage, I am an assistant GM in that guild.

Do you know, or have been referred by, any current member of RnP? (if so please specify who):
None, me and a friend decided to RP on this server, and have been asking about through in game RP.

If been in previous Guilds, what background were they? Also, a brief history of your previous guild membership experience if possible. (Hardcore raiding / Casual PVE / RP):
I have a level 80 hunter with full ICC25 gear in a PvE raiding guild named Espionage, as stated above

Is this your main or alt?:
An alt, I have many characters on a PvE realm.

Time been on Moonglade: Days
Time been playing WoW: WotLK

::: Player OOC Details :::
Skormm is a positive contrast to the sterotypical Rogue, and is usually quite vibrant around those he trusts, although he is keen to meet new people, he is never to far from his beloved Stormwind, the place in which he was raised.
He also likes, like many others to reflect on the peaceful side on things, tranquilty and getting away from the mainstream hustle and bustle of things are very appealing to Skormm, as well as fishing, praying with the holy in the glistening white walls of Stormwind Cathedral and generally embracing the atmosphere are favoured pastimes for him.

The stealth and seclusion of his talents can sometimes reflect in his persona however, for example the death of his parents is never something he wishes to bring up in any circumstance, as he experiences the full blow of loosing something treasurable, this can and has lead to him having a lackluster attitude towards certain aspects of life, such as romance, as he stands his ground with the popular phrase. "Nothing lasts forever"

Despit this, his positive reflection of things usually shines through, and he likes to help others on matters, whether they be serious or lesser, this is one Rouge that does not stick to shadows, but will embrace the light when needed, for the good of others and himself.

::: RP Details :::

Character Full Name & Surname: Mr Skormm Tennyn
Character Age:21
Any special character traits: Likes his drink!
Any races / classes / factions your character hates or is “at war” with? (eg. Warlocks):The Defias Brotherhood, for the murder of Skormm's parents.
Brief Character History:
Skormm Tennyn was born and raised in a normal traditional family, born into the normal life, he was ushered around the grand city of Stormwind by his mother, for things that seemed so ordinary, food shopping, worshipping with fellow Paladins at the Cathedral and adapting to his fellow Human counterparts.

However, after one excursion out of Stormwind, that all changed, his father and mother, ambushed by the Defias, they where shaken down and beaten for their possesions, things grew violent quickly after Skormm's father stood up for his family. He was murdered swiftly, a small indent to his throat the only evidence of any struggle, the defias, ruthless. His Mother, screaming in agony, was dragged of into the forest. and that left a young,petrified Skormm, surrounded and facing a certain death.

A sole defias member faced his tear stained face, this member's red bandana brushing his face, looking into his black eyes. When suddenly, he slumped over. Dead. Several clouded assailants stood before the now dead Defias memeber, and as Skormm looked over his shoulder, he saw the other Defias memebers in the same position. Dead. These shrouded members where part of a "clan" named SI:7, as they soon revealed to Skormm.

Over the years Skormm matured and stepped above pathetic things such as the grievance of those he had lost. He embraced the ways of the Rogue and vowed to put an end to those that had forced him to adapt to this lifestyle. The only past recollection of his parents was a lone signet bearing his family name.

Over time, he left the SI, with the combat experience and scouting abilities he needed the thrive in the wilderness, with many knowing his name in Stormwind, he ventured away from it, eager for fresh enviroments and challenges, with a few contacts to share his word with, Skormm is ready and fully able to embrace whatever challenge turns his way, and he shall meet them with his blades.

How knowledgeable of the Warcraft lore are you?: So and so, not really done much reading of the history of Warcraft, am aware of a few significant things.

Why did you choose Rhyme & Punishment?
I started RP'ing on this server with a friend, and have been emplored to hand in an application form.

Why do you think that we should invite you as a Guild Member?
I am a keen new roleplayer, and if you are willing to give me a little time, I am sure I can mature into a name that everyone will recongnise in the guild.

Will you be willing to attend guild meetings?: Yes.
Will you be willing to attend guild RP events?: Yes.

Any thoughts or questions you want to ask the guild?: Not at this time.

-Thank you for your time.
Junior Member
Posts: 1

Topic/Postby Alwynn » 30 Jul 2010, 22:34

As I told Mistella, poke some Rhymer that is online and ask for the Officers and we can try and schedule something so we can better "test" you. I'm Stoneage by the way *wink*
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Topic/Postby Serendipity » 31 Jul 2010, 02:20

And I'm Evensong! I'm also drunk.

Nonetheless, approved.
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Topic/Postby Serendipity » 08 Aug 2010, 17:17

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