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Qewt Swiftneedle

PostPosted: 25 May 2008, 17:09
by Qewt
A tiny figure paces in front of the doors to the guild hall. As she paces she can be overheard mumbling to herself. "Stupid scale" Nervously she pops a [ITEM][Unidentified eye][/ITEM] in and out of [ITEM][Old Teamster's skull][/ITEM]. "'s no' me fault tha' t' thing broke anyway." A sentence here and there are loud enough to hear. "an' lady Vashj shoul' 'ave minded 'er scales be'er." She paces some more. "They 'as ter take me in... bu' wha' if they don't? _She_ will 'ave foun' ou' by now."
"I'm no' doin' any more o' 'er chores! I'm no'! A tiny foot stamps down angrily. "t' stupid trophee cases can fall o'er an' break too fer all I care."

In her agitation she fumbles and the [ITEM][Unidentified eye][/ITEM] falls and rolls away. "Ack! Go an' fetch 't, Roachie." A brown, winged insect that is all but invisible in the darkness flutters after the eye.
"Bu' maybe they 'ave chores 'ere too..." She ponders this silently for a while, then resumes her pacing. "'t won' be cleanin' t' scorch marks an' bear barf out o' t' carpets though" The brown creature returns and waves it's antennae frantically, proudly pointing at the [ITEM][Unidentified eye][/ITEM] it has rolled back to her. " besides..." she smiles mischievously "wi'out 'er on me back I can duck em easily."

After muttering and pacing like this for quite a while, with a shrug and a sigh she suddenly sits down under a street lamp and starts to unpack several cheeses from her pack. A large dark flame is stamped on each of these. "come Roachie, le's eat, all this thinkin' 'as made me 'ungry."

Seemingly this late night snack has bolstered her resolve. She gets up and knocks on the door loudly.

PostPosted: 25 May 2008, 17:53
by Shevron

PostPosted: 25 May 2008, 19:19
by Pepple
*A small noticeboard is hanging crooked on a wall, a small sheet of paper attatched to it using some strange substance, that we'll assume is glue.*

"Leave your app thangy on here and I'll have a look."

PostPosted: 25 May 2008, 20:07
by Serendipity
Hey! Just because I can't pronounce it doesn't mean I can't spell it.

You're the one with the spinning hat, right?

PostPosted: 25 May 2008, 21:02
by Qewt
As there is no answer to her knocking, the tiny figure looks about her furtively, then tries to open the doors. "Might as well take t' tiny look if tis worth 't ter apply 'ere."
To her surprise the doors open and she finds herself in a small hall. The inner doors won't open though and she tries a small hex on them. Despite all her efforts the doors resist her cunning and she has to content herself with looking around in the hall. On the wall is a message board.

"humpff..." mutters to herself as she rummages in her pack. "goo' thing i came prepared"

She whips out a sheet of parchment adorned with the word Qewture, the Q large and illuminated. She rips the scribbled note off the board and uses the remaining goo to put up her own message.

"to whomever this concerns.

My name is Qewt Swiftneedle.

I'd like to become part of your great guild.

I'm a tailor and enchantress. You might not know me, but you have most likely seen my work. Qewture fashion is worn by many people. I'm proud to say that King Magni Bronzebeard especially ordered a pair of pyjamas from me. The well know socialite Tanishia has been wearing my designs on many occasions. Master Thalos of the Ebon Flame ordered pants from me. I believe Lady Kinta wears a shirt from my fall collection of two years ago.

If you need help in your battles I can bring one of my minions and curse your enemies. Cursing is what I do best!

Qewt Swiftneedle"

PostPosted: 25 May 2008, 21:11
by Qewt
*cheer* aye! tha's me [ITEM]Electromagnetic Gigaflux reactivator[/ITEM]!
I stole t' 'at frem Mekgineer Thermaplugg.

PostPosted: 25 May 2008, 22:22
by Pepple
*draws a smiley face on the letter*

Approved from me!

PostPosted: 25 May 2008, 22:42
by Lilandris
*reads the parchment through and nods slowly* This one could prove able enough... *lights her pipe and wanders off into the guild library*

PostPosted: 27 May 2008, 13:05
by Serendipity
Did I mention I approve this?

PostPosted: 28 May 2008, 00:14
by Pepple
Will throw an interview today if ya about.