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PostPosted: 03 May 2012, 07:26
by Tormeron
Fish swimming towards

PostPosted: 03 May 2012, 13:24
by Serendipity
.... Some additional Plyons....

PostPosted: 03 May 2012, 15:15
by Tormeron
what are plyons? searched the dictionary, can't find it

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2012, 11:45
by Tormeron
*ressurects thread*

PostPosted: 26 Jul 2012, 11:56
by Tormeron
been working hard at collecting the entire story so far for you all to read what we all wrote:

Alwynn smells of Swedish kaka that Shevron bought from A market in Finland.
But then the flight got Hijacked by the usual suspects that have weird moustaches and guns.
Alwynn was in the Tobacco shop when a three headed monkey ate a banana while suspiciously humming a tune from Transformers.
Meanwhile at the secret headquarters Syrah was preparing her pomegranate bath That Alwynn ruined by adding some rotten bananas in the drain hole , which caused a anomality in the Outrageously silly goblet That in turn exploded in a shower of spaghetti strings.
At the secret garden of eternal grumpy nob farts the wise old Pint o' Beer that looked like someones vomit but somehow it managed to fight back the alien invasion that landed on Shev's mum, meanwhile somewhere around the third rock from Soviet Russia, potatomash eats you.
Why Nobody knows. Sometimes I have this dream about murlocs going all mrrllrlrllrllgrhrll And serve oatmeal while doing a somersault of death Into a pot of rainbow stuff Meanwhile in the fish domain of doom, there were Fish swimming towards Some additional Plyons

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2013, 14:25
by Lintissa
... while being chased ...