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PostPosted: 02 Jul 2014, 00:21
by Claresta
After reading that newspaper article about the escaped convict, I have decided to put ink to quill and clarify the situation and current event as I see it. My name is Chepi and this is the story so far...

After our perilous trip through Dun Morogh the week back I figured that today's expedition would be no less dangerous but this time we had a larger group face any challenges that came our way. As is often the case this meant that we were perhaps even less decisive than usual. At some point I was beginning to wonder if Lil would come to blows with Claraa but now I'm just getting ahead of myself.

We started our journey just south of Dun Algaz with the intention of searching for clues on where the escaped convict had last been seen. We travelled north to a Night Elf encampment to ask the locals if they had seen a Night Elf and a band of Ice trolls recently. Hardly something you wouldn't notice like a Rhymer at a non-alcoholic drinks bar. Much discussions were had between our own Syrah and the local Elves and soon we were on the trail north to the pirate cove near Stromgarde, which was lucky since until that point it was undecided whether the current crisis involved chasing our missing criminal, Dippys hair getting wet or how to ship the Greenwarder to Stormwind to be our new bouncer for the bar. Anyway the rain stopped and we moved on thus solving two of our three current problems.

Upon arriving at said pirate cove we met a jolly Ogre near the pirate ship intent on smashing us to pieces. I had the brilliant idea of bringing him on our side with a hearty meal and booze but typically Dippy decided that a disguise and engaging him with chatter was the correct course of action. Still she doesn't exactly need much encouraging to put on a beard I suppose. It did suit her. Anyway Lil shot at him and the situation with the pirates deteriorated from then onwards.

Having arrows fired at us is all very well but we must draw the line at cannonballs. Lil, Aroona and Tibby engaged the trolls up on the mountain who were shooting arrows down on us. At this point I had had enough and followed them. I arrived just in time to see Lil knocked off the side and Myself , Dippy and Claraa to help finish off the rest. Most of the trolls managed to escape yet again, this time through a portal. Had I been alone I would have blown that section of the mountain to bits but with Dippy and Claraa around I couldn't risk it.

The trolls escaped and the ship down below set sail. Once again the slippery bastard had escaped us.

Then we met a prisoner in the pirate cove who we set free. We also found details on a certain meeting that's going to happen in Menethil Harbour soon. We intend to make sure that we interfere and catch our prey once and for all. If he resists and becomes violent then I hope Claraa does the necessary deed.

PostPosted: 22 Jul 2014, 23:01
by Gergel

/e ninjas Chepi's / Claresta's post describing today's event.

The jailbreak-chaser group from several weeks ago gathers in Wetlands at the Night Elf camp at Greenwarden's Grove. It is far too late to attend the secret meeting of their fugitive elf, so the people briefly discuss the next plans. The most recent copy of their trusty Gnomish newspaper describes several mysterious and exciting incidents happening... all near Stormwind, which is actually quite far away.

Mysterious murlocs who are being taught by (yet another!) mysterious figure in black to summon demons! (Unsure if demons are mysterious or not.)
A mysterious knight stalking Darkshire graveyard. No, it's not Thelarwen, she does occasionally skulk around graveyards but only destroys the hostile undead. This knight might, on the other hand, have abducted two local kids.
A mysterious goblet that is said to be able to turn water and wine into beer! Coalbrow is not present so there is less interest than usual. Except, of course, by the dwarf and pandaren of the group.

As the group is deciding which course to pursue - or if they should in fact try and chase after the jailbroken elf (iElf?) - Aroona suddenly derails all well-laid plans and presents a mysterious ring of Night Elven design. She says the item has been in her possession for a day and has been making her progressively uneasy. The reasonable approach is, of course, to hand the ring to Tessliana, the only (PC) Night Elf currently present. That does not go so well.

Tessliana immediately starts getting mysterious (yes, I love using that word) visions of destruction. Dalaran, boom! Teldrassil, boom boom! Feralas, BOOM! Alliance attacking Elves! FLAME! DEATH! DESTRUCTION! COWER MORTALS BEFORE THE WRATH OF LORD... wait, wrong character. The ring's magic affects Tess so badly, she sees everyone else as enemies and almost attacks them. Fortunately a few group members manage to subdue her and remove her ring. Siaraa the monk uses her soothing spells to calm her and fortunately Tessliana regains her senses quickly. Siaraa takes ownership of the ring, as she is capable of shielding herself from its influence. Also, she is not a Night Elf.

So the group decides to travel to Feralas to try and find two other rings which were also in Tess' visions.

At Menethil gates they are stopped by very unfriendly local guards who claim that the local inn had just been robbed and that they would be searching everyone, or else turn them away from the gates. Most others go through the process with minimal discomfort but the guards try to apprehend Tess, suspecting her to be one of the robbers, to immediately ship her off to Stormwind to be tried... by the King himself. Which is highly suspicious. With some threatening and cajoling from the rest of the group, the guards are eventually convinced to let Tess pass.

In the town of Menethil all the other local residents also treat the Elf with disdain. Except for one old man in the inn, who claims that everyone in town had gone... strange... only mere hours ago. Just about as Tess suffered her own attack from the ring. The old man had apparently been protected by his magical amulet.

Mysterious magic is obviously afoot. While others settle down in the inn (and Lilandris takes every possible opportunity to flirt with Aroona), Siaraa (who had previously been hit on by one of the guards) decides to go back to the bridge and perhaps get the guards to spill some more information. Strangely, as she reaches the bridge, she sees an entirely different group of guards who are not hostile at all and tell her that they have no idea who the previous bunch had been. Mysteriouser and mysteriouser. She also happens to find an item near the bridge: a voodoo doll of obviously Trollish design, in the image of a Night Elf.

The idol is examined, deemed to be eeeeeeevil! and summarily crushed in Thelarwen's iron-clad hand. This appears to have the effect of slowly starting to bring the locals out of their Night-Elf-hating-stupor.

As the rest of the group retires upstairs to get some sleep, Thelarwen the Death Knight stays at her spot in the corner of the inn and keeps her unblinking eyes on the inn's entrances to make sure there are no stabby surprises sneaking in to visit the Night Elf.

To be continued... with a boat ride to Kalimdor, soon.

PostPosted: 22 Jul 2014, 23:43
by Claresta
More than happy for Gergel to continue these stories but I had already typed this up so may as well paste it. From Chepi's POV of course.

Sat in Menethil harbour, Chepi compiles some notes.

We had missed the meeting in Menethil Harbour. I can't quite comprehend why that is, perhaps Aroona was too busy sleeping - I mean 'Investigating the Emerald Dream' of course, Lil had to run to get more tobacco and whatever else she fills her pipes with or simply that Adrenus was being his usual docile self. Either way we missed it.

We regrouped back in the Elven Greenwarden encampment. Whilst pondering our next move Aroona all of a sudden presented to Adrenus a ring. I don't know about any one else but when I find rings and amulets out in the wilderness, or wherever she got this one, I usually have it up for auction as fast as possible.

The ring had a certain power that nobody could quite understand. When Tess got hold of it she saw horrific visions of the destruction of Teldrassil. I think Dalaran may have also been mentioned as well as Dire Maul of all places. Suddenly and without warning Tess blurted out that it was the Alliance who were attacking the Night Elf home. Our attempts to then calm her down had the opposite effect. She actively blamed us for it and almost attacked us. Silsbury and Siaraa were able to subdue her.

Siaraa is well trained in keeping calm so she offered to hold this one ring from then onwards.

We decided we would investigate Feralas so we then went off to Menethil Harbour to catch a ship to Kalimdor. How quaint. Where was a Dippy portal when you needed one?

Still if we would of travelled more directly then we would have missed the sheer joyful hospitality of Menethil Harbour. No sooner than we got to the bridge when we were almost arrested for thieving. I know these guards have boring jobs but don't they have better things to do than harass random strangers? We had our bags investigated as apparently food was stolen from the Inn recently. Did they not notice we had A Pandaren with us? As if we would still have spare food on us.

The guards took an immediate dislike to Tess and so did the whole town in general. According to a Human fellow we met in the Inn a little later, A curse had affected the whole town. He was only protected by a charm he carried. Oddly enough the curse seemed to have affected the town at about the same time as Tess had got hold of that ring. Didn't I say we should have just disenchanted it there and then?

We missed the ship to Kalimdor so decided to book rooms at the Inn. Tess wasn't really keen on this but we agreed to take turns in keeping watch and Thelarwen wouldn't sleep anyway. Siaraa went out to question the guards about the bag searches and theft at the inn. Turns out nothing may have been taken from the Inn after all. The guards Siaraa questioned were on a different shift so I'm uncertain she was able to find any more information. She did however find an unusual idol whilst outside which was destroyed and would therefore end the towns curse in a short amount of time.

I sit here quite exhausted now. I do hope Lil and Aroona don't make too much noise tonight.

PostPosted: 29 Jul 2014, 19:09
by Tormeron
The following is booklet that shall be given by adrenus at the beginning of the event, if you wish you can read it in advance to save us all the wait of reading through it
Booklet wrote:The ekhnor

The legend speaks of a few elves of old that were friends with creatures of the seas, these elves were always very reclusive and didn't like the company of other elves.

This era was before the sundering, these elves are believed to be all but gone from this world.

Few traces can be found though that would suggest these elves have not all vanished from the world as historians might want us to believe

In the days following the sundering many spoke of elves who were once reclusive who's body has never been recovered, some elves claimed these individuals have just walked into the sea and dissapeared forever.

Although most elves just assumed that these individuals were just burned alive.

according to recent efforts to locate the traces of this old reclusive civilization i've found renewed signs of their presence, though i cannot prove it for certain.

When i first came to feralas a few years back i've wandered the lands for any signs of these elves, there were no signs what so ever.

I've hired a crew of gnomes to build a ship that can go underwater and look for any signs of such elves underwater, once again it proved fruitless.

It seemed every attempt i made was fruitless until one day while walking the shore thinking of giving up on this research i've come across a strange sight, a strange sight indeed...

On the shores before me stood a tall scaley person with pointy ears, that person seemed deep in talk with what we call nagas, the naga seem to have his full attention and seemed to respect that person.

I've waited and hid until the naga left to confront the person in question about who he was and what he was all about.

Once i made it out of hiding i've tried to grab him to gather his attention. the person in question spoke in an old dialect of common saying "Your kind seek war and destruction of the lands above the waters, we no longer are part of your world"

Since that encounter i've managed not once again to meet this strange person.

The strange person did give me some stone etched with stories and prophecies of theirs.

But one i wished to share with you, it's a stone etched with old news of theirs, it seems a few have decided to take renewed interest in the world of elves and are trying to convert Night elves into a war on all the living that do not follow their strict rules.

These few who came with a renewed interest in this world have no interest in negotiating or becoming part of the politics, thus, they train night elves and blood elves to do their bidding for them.

Their orders are uknown to me, but this person who handed me these stones seemed to care very much that destruction shall not befall our little place in the world.

To find the place of these strange fanatics you need to find old coinage of theirs said to have an engraving of a tree and two moons on each side of the tree.

The more coins you gather of theirs, the more chances you have to pay your toll for their mercenaries and through them meet their evil overlords and end these fanatics from ever harming innocent anymore.

PostPosted: 30 Jul 2014, 09:35
by Gergel
As was suggested earlier, the group had used the week offscreen to travel from Wetlands to Feralas, and gather at Feathermoon Stronghold. There is very little preliminary banter and it's pretty quickly decided to head to Dire Maul, as that is where the cursed ring's visions pointed last week.

Just before reaching the fork in the road which leads off to Dire Maul, three night elf sentinels stop the travelers. They strongly suggest (in Elvish, as none speak Common) that the group should not proceed because local ogres have recently become more and more dangerous. However, the armed-to-their-teeth adventurers show no concern about ogre attacks and the sentinels allow them to proceed with their blessing.

On the road that runs up to Dire Maul the adventuring party encounters a party of a different kind -- their first ogre group. At first neither side attacks and even attempts to start a conversation, but things go bad very quickly and the ogres attack.

(Sadly I missed this specific part because of network problems, so I saw Siaraa offer food to an ogre, and the next thing, after my network came back and I logged back in, was a battle.)

The few ogres are dispatched fairly quickly, but one of them, badly injured and possibly missing an arm (may or may not have been cut off by Thelarwen), picks up Silsbury and runs away towards the gates of Dire Maul. The group gives chase to rescue their companion.

Halfway to the actual Dire Maul ruins the group runs into a much more formidable force. Twenty ogres in full plate armor block their way. Led by an ogre in a golden helmet, they act like a proper and trained military squad instead of the average ogre "ME SMASH!" free-for-all melee group. The brute that was carrying Silsbury is all the way behind them, still holding on to the worgen. There does not appear to be any way of reaching and saving her other than going through the ogres.

Interestingly, the ogres do not seem to wish to actually attack the adventurers. Instead they quickly surround and encircle the group, then attempt to move and herd them towards Dire Maul proper. This does not sit well with Thelarwen who promptly draws her sword, derails ogres' (and Tormeron's) plan to move the group into Dire Maul, and attacks the ogre chieftain. There are a few other ogres in the way but Thelarwen is not particularily hindered by that, as she easily cuts her way through and confronts the golden-helmeted chief.

This, of course, also puts a permanent stop to any plans the ogres might have had to non-violently move the group and a huge battle begins. Most of the ogres are dispatched. Some travelers are injured, some are temporarily flattened under tumbling ogre corpses. The badly-injured ogre that's holding Silsbury just dies of its wounds and Silsbury has a lot of trouble trying to struggle out of its dead grasp.

All the ogres are finally dispatched, including the golden-helmeted leader who manages to knock the wind out of Thelarwen quite badly, leaving her to fight at diminished strength for the rest of the evening.

Just as everyone starts to catch a breath, one of the fallen ogres decides to get up on its feet again. There's a necromantic chill in the air and in an incredibly creepy manner (if you just try and imagine how it actually looks like) the flesh of other dead ogres begins to melt and flow up and onto the raised one, filling its wounds and replenishing its mass. And so all the tired, wounded and weary adventurers are once again forced into battle.

Thelarwen the Argent Champion, of course, is the first one to taunt the creature to try and focus its attention on her. Lilandris the Lightmancer, sworn enemy of all hostile undead, is close behind, and all other team members also attack with great fury. Being able to focus their attacks on one target, at first it seems the battle will be easier. Unfortunately the eldritch self-recovery ability (using the nearby corpses of other ogres) just allows the monstrosity to keep healing itself, despite of big chunks of flesh being cut and clawed off. The undead ogre picks Thelarwen up and uses her as a human shield to attack other skirmishers. That, of course, does not stop her from ordering everyone to ignore her and continue their attacks, despite the spells hitting her as well. Lilandris casts Shackle Undead; the holy chains finally immobilize the undead ogre and force it to drop Thelarwen. At this point everyone is able to fully cut loose and the creature is destroyed despite its regeneration.

During this battle, Silsbury is accidentally injured by friendly fire from Tessliana. Thelarwen is of course quite badly shaken by unfriendly and friendly fire she took while being used as a shield. The injuries of others are not as bad.

From out of Dire Maul, an elf emerges. He does not look like any known elf race, he speaks in broken Common to say something along the lines of "your world is at an end!", "you cannot possibly expect to destroy me!", and then turns invisible and runs away really quickly. That is rather anticlimactic.

So most of the group proceeds forward and into Dire Maul. Silsbury remains behind, injured and unable to walk. Siaraa stays with her to heal her with her bandages and potions, and Thelarwen to protect her.

(What happened in Dire Maul is a bit hazy for me as I was mostly talking with Sil and Siaraa. So the description is terse. Chepi can hopefully shed more light on these events.)

The group finds a site of total carnage, ogre corpses everywhere. A leper gnome crawls out from under the corpses, then runs away to a teleporter machine and disappears. A few strange coins are left behind. Then another survivor is found, this time a blood elf female. She is chained and starving, so the adventurers untie and feed her, then ask for information. The ungrateful elf demands payment of 30 of those strange coins in exchange for what she knows. As not enough are found, and nobody seems to want to allow Thelarwen (who has meanwhile caught up with them) to... persuade... her, it's eventually decided to move her to Dalaran and Violet Hold for further questioning sometime in the future.

To Be Continued... probably at least 3 weeks from now, as that's when Tormeron retuns from his well-earned vacation.

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2014, 10:06
by Gergel
Dat wot happended last night.
There's quite a lot of it...

I missed the first ten minutes of the event so I don't know for sure why the group started in Silithus. The starting point was Cenarion Hold, and from there a local directed everyone towards Southwind Village where bad stuff had been seen.

Upon entering the village, trouble promptly showed its ugly head. When I say "trouble" I mean another gigantic ogre, and when I say "ugly head" I mean "ugly ogre head". The ogre and its two companion nagas exited from a huge (10 meters wide) stone portal, grinned evilly, and attempted to make salad out of the adventurers.

So things went as they usually do: Lil shot her rifle, Thelarwen and Juste whacked things with their weapons, Chepi tossed grenades, Aroona went "purr" quite often ... yeah, that was wonky ... but also "rawr" and "slash-bash", Serendipity conjured arcane blasts and got tossed into mud, Adrenus got hit, business as usual.

At first the ogre was quite tough, hitting it felt like smacking a rock, but Juste, Aroona-in-bearform and Thelarwen managed to chip through its armor little by little. That's when the ogre went from "tank" to "caster" and pulled a fel-Superman with eyebeams that sucked the life right out of those they hit. Which meant Lilandris and Adrenus, and Aroona when she tried to protect Lil and jumped in the way.

Thelarwen managed to get a lucky hit in and gouge one of the ogre's eyes out with her polearm. The disembodied eye attempted to suck Thel's (un)life out, but she just turned it around and pointed it at the ogre with the thought of "let's see how you can take your own medicine." The poor ogre went into a feedback loop and dropped from "nigh invincible" to "splat", died and disintegrated right there.

Meanwhile the portal began to close. "Not so fast!" everyone yelled enthusiastically and jumped into it. They ended up in a dark underground cavern, location unknown. A group of naga attacked, but those were just ordinary run-of-the-mill smack-'em-and-they-die type of naga so the adventurers smacked them and they died.

A stranger human woman appeared shortly thereafter. She was badly wounded, gasped out a melodramatic "help me!" and died, because she was being eaten by tiny black critters all over her. The critters decided that they had had quite enough of the human stranger, thank you very much, and that they would like to try out a new diet consisting of Aroona. So they swarmed the poor bear and began to try and eat her, meanwhile multiplying like crazy. The only thing that helped was Lilandris and Chepi casting holy and normal fire spells, respectively, which burned the critters right off of Aroona. And also burned much of Aroona off of Aroona. The badly wounded druid shifted to human form and she and Lil escaped to Darnassus through one of Serendipity's portals. Surprisingly, both survived. Survived the portal, that is.

The rest of the group was about to follow, when they noticed a big huge green dragon fighting a bunch of ogres (yay! more ogres!). Thelarwen decided to give the dragon a hand -- of course -- and jumped into the fray. But her efforts were in vain because the dragon was boom!headshotted with a giant arrow. In her death throes the dragon incinerated the remaining ogres and then went pining for the fjords herself. The dragon experts in the group determined that she had most likely been a normal-sized dragon who had been magically enlarged to her current gigantic size.

Moving a little bit further they found a couple of dozen dragon eggs, which were also much larger than normal, and also covered in runes. Thelarwen, the rune expert, determined that these were control and compulsion runes, similar to what the Lich King had been using, intertwined with curses which were unfamiliar to her.

A half-mechanical gnome showed up right then. She had been seen a few times previously, at the portal in Silithus with the ogre for example. The gnome started yelling "intruder!" and teleporting the dragon eggs away, which was not something the adventurers wanted to allow. So Thelarwen used Death Grip to try and pull the gnome to her so they could restrain her. Except for some reason only the "gnome" half of the gnome was pulled over, whereas the "mechanical" half stayed put. So it ended very messily, with half a gnome going *splat* next to the group. As she searched the half-gnome's remains, Thelarwen found a few of the previously-seen strange coins as well as a scroll, whose contents are currently unknown because Tormeron still needs to write it. I hope it's not just a grocery list: "Bread. Wine. Milk. Essence of Undeath. Rune Drawing Pencil. Compulsion Rune Pattern."

Anyway, because the runes on the eggs could not be touched (as they were trapped with curses), and there was no time to move the eggs (more angry local ogres (yay! more ogres!) could be heard approaching), it was decided to destroy them. So with some rains of fire and some weapon slashing, it was done. The unbound curses started flying right and left, and one even managed to hit Juste. As the group retreated through another one of Serendipity's portals, they barely escaped being piled on by yet more ogres. The portal went "bloop", closed, and one poor ogre lost an arm which ended up in Darnassus with the ogre remaining behind.

In Darnassus the adventurers reconvened with Lilandris and Aroona, who was feeling much better fortunately. However there was something wrong with Juste, he started acting very similar to what Tessliana had been like when affected by the cursed ring some weeks/months ago in Wetlands. So Juste was restrained, stripped, and it was entirely un-kinky. A big rune of control had embedded itself on Juste's back, and it took some effort to remove it from the man, who did not particularly want to cooperate and even went as far as to run away and try and drown himself. Everything ended well in the end, Juste was knocked out, the rune was burnt off with holy magic, and the paladin regained control over himself.

At which point the event ended. To Be Continued...

* * *

Thelarwen flew to Hearthglen in the Western Plaguelands. Her opponents had been using runic magic, very similar to the Scourge and the Cult of the Damned, and this needed to be reported to her superiors.

"You again. All banged up again." sighed the Argent Blacksmith Morris Vant, as he examined Thelarwen's armor. "No, don't worry, I'll have this fixed up in no time," and he went to work repairing and, in some parts, rebuilding the armor.

Meanwhile she entered the fort and was debriefed by Highlord Tirion Fordring. "I have not received any similar reports concerning runic magic being used by naga, ogres nor ancient elven races," the Highlord told her, "so at this point I cannot dedicate more resources to this matter. I want you to continue your current line of investigation, Crusader Lockworth, and find out who or what is behind it. Rest assured, if this new force does threaten Azeroth, the full force of the Argent Crusade will stand beside you."

* * *

My thoughts: Tormeron, how about a non-ogre enemy next time?... Please?... Or I could just try and find an Ogre Splitting Axe of some type to bring along to the next event. And then split any supercalifragilisticexpialidocious magical über-ogres that come our way.

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2014, 12:56
by Claresta
Later that night Chepi is sitting at a table in the Gilded Rose scribbling together a personal note.

Things almost got desperate this time. Had myself and Lil acted any slower then I believe we would have lost Aroona.

Furthermore I suspect it was my curse spell that sent that half Gnome half mechanical construct back through that portal. It seemed intent on blowing Dippy to pieces so what choice did I have? I wonder if Dippy noticed that spell, she did suddenly look a little curious.

Today my technology failed to make an impact. Today I had to rely on more unorthodox methods. It's becoming blatantly clearer to me that the pursuit of Fel magic should take more precedence over that of my pursuit of better technology.
Perhaps I'm finally beginning to see things how they should be.

Chepi ponders this for a moment and then picks up the note and burns it in the candles flame.

PostPosted: 26 Aug 2014, 19:29
by Tormeron
meeting in Tanaris at 21:05
Here is the letter Coalbrow picked up:
Fleola's letter wrote:To fleola

I'm sending you this letter in hopes that you are in good health.
I haven't heard from you in a long time, you missed our get together in Tanaris last week.
It's not like to to be late on your letters.

The sample you sent was not what we agreed upon,
Your leader specifically promised dragon, not an egg that may or not hatch soon!

I've heard your leader was followed when recruiting in Felwood,
Give him my best.

The parts you've asked for were hard to come by, i have all three of the parts you've asked.
The seas are faring well for us, I'll leave your parts at the designated spots.

The chest you've sent was more than enough to cover it.

Love, Archi

P.s. we shall make port next week at Tanaris, hope to see you then!

PostPosted: 26 Aug 2014, 23:05
by Gergel
Tormeron wrote:Here is the letter Coalbrow picked up:

Correction, the letter that Thelarwen picked up. Coalbrow has not been taking part in the serious events for a while now.


In the last exciting episode of...

Tormeron's Events!

After reading the note that Thelarwen picked up last week from the corpse of the half-gnome-half-robot, the group gathered in Gadgetzan. As the note did not yield much information -- only two names -- the first order of business was to try and track down the author, the mysterious "Archi". The local innkeeper pointed them towards the pirate ships anchored off the coast. However, he was not sure which ship was the actual one that housed Archi, so the adventurers needed to make a guess.

The guess was: the third and rightmost ship out of three.

Upon landing on a small island near the ship, they were immediately confronted by irate pirates, who figured that attacking such a powerful, well-armed group would be an excellent strategy. It was, assuming the pirates' goal was to get killed messily. Because they got killed messily. An otherwise straightforward battle did have one odd incident: the fairly simple spells of both Aroona (hurricane) and Serendipity (arcane blast) went mysteriously out of control, grew in power, and almost injured their companions instead of (or in addition to) their intended targets. Something magical was going on.

So having cleared the island, everyone boarded the ship. Curiously the ship was empty, and every pirate who had been on it, had jumped overboard and was swimming away with great haste. Fearing a trap, the group briefly debated whether to escape as well, or explore the ship. Of course, as they were a bunch of adventurers, caution was thrown into the wind and everyone strolled downstairs to the cargo hold.

Fortunately, there was no trap. At least not one that would go *boom* and blow the ship (and the group) to smithereens.

Instead there was a glowing jewel. Immediately upon coming closer to it, magic users (Serendipity, Chepi and Thelarwen) started to feel their magical strength increasing and promises of great power being whispered in their ears. Tessliana, being a hunter and therefore non-magic-user, dared to pick the gem up. It showed her (and whoever else touched it) visions of a coffin marked with an X and a skull, as well as additional two powerful items.

As Tess did not feel much from the gem (fortunately not getting mind-controlled this time, like she was in Wetlands), she decided to hand it over to a more magical group member so they might examine it further. Serendipity, showing great wisdom, declined the offer, despite the gem's insistent whispers in her ears, and even its proximity enhancing her magical power.

Thelarwen, however, was willing to take the gem, if only to shatter it. There was a brief discussion of whether to destroy the gem or keep it for study, but its strong influence on Thelarwen's mind (Power! Overwhelming!!!) and body (a glowing death knight!) quickly ended all debates. The death knight attempted to do to the gem what she had successfully done to several other evil magical items, and crush it in her palm. Except this time things did not go quite so easily. The gem drew the strength from Thelarwen's body and she was quite incapable of destroying it, even though her mind broke through the mental restraints the gem also exerted. Fortunately Zeneth was there to help, and with her warrior strength helped squeeze Thelarwen's gauntlet shut. This cracked her bones, but also the gem.

But only cracked. The jewel grew dull and fell on the floor, but was still mostly intact with only a small crack to show for all the effort. Tess tried to stomp on it, which did not work very well and only slightly enlarged the crack in it. Then Thelarwen, ever the take-charge-and-smash-stuff type, hit it with her runeblade. This caused a huge explosion which threw the group all over the ship's cargo hold (fortunately not compromising the hull). As Thelarwen was obviously the closest (just about at ground zero), she got thrown all the way to the other end, smashed against the wall and knocked unconscious. Others got away with lighter injuries, other than Claraa who was also knocked briefly out, and Zeneth who got a mighty blow to his head (but he was a warrior, and wearing a helmet, so the damage was negligible). The gem, finally, was in two pieces. Both of which still seemed full of energy and tried to crawl into Tessliana's mouth. (I think it was Tess.) This fortunately failed, so Aroona sat on them... and we totally expected the jewel pieces to try and crawl up Aroona's arse instead, but noooooo, that wouldn't happen.

(I am somewhat unsure what happened with the jewel halves at that point. Did someone pick them up, and what did they do with them?)

Zeneth picked the unconscious Thelarwen up and carried her to the ship's deck. The rest of the group followed. While some attempted to heal the injured death knight (Adrenus, you silly dog, never use holy spells on a death knight!), others noticed that the ship had set sail and was now in the middle of the ocean...

Thelarwen recovered sufficiently to at least manage to walk weakly, and the adventurers sought a way off the ship. They found no better option but to get Serendipity to portal them to Theramore. The portal went a bit wonky (it was a Serendipity portal, so no surprise there) and deposited them in the mountains near Gadgetzan, which was actually totally fine, as they would have needed to get back to Tanaris anyway. The adventurers travelled back to the inn they had started from and re-questioned the innkeeper. They had not found Archi, but now they did know what to look for: the pirate tomb from the vision given by the jewel. In exchange for yet another bribe the innkeeper told of an old pirate graveyard further to the south, down the beach...

And that is where the adventure will continue next week.

PostPosted: 02 Sep 2014, 22:54
by Gergel
As the group gathered in Gadgetzan, Adrenus informed them that the part of today's adventure that they'd dreaded the most -- a long trek through desert or a flight past pirates and their cannons -- would not be necessary. He had hired a rowboat and a crew to ferry them to the south end of Tanaris. The trip was fairly quick and uneventful. Their boat maneuvered around pirates in their cove and ended up in the northmost end of the Land's End Beach.

Immediately Gailia noticed a group of -- for the lack of a better description -- shades, moving in the mountains as if fleeing from something. One of the shades appeared before the group and attempted to possess a few people before temporarily managing to hide inside Claraa. While semi-possessing the rogue, it shouted out a warning about "do not go there!" The shade was quickly drawn out her by Lilandris, who destroyed it.

Just a little further, Lilandris' sense of undeath discovered a large cover stone under the sand of the beach. It was engraved with the exact signs and symbols that the gem from last week's shipboard expedition had shown to its holders in visions. Ignoring the warnings engraved on the cover stone's seal, it was decided to open the tomb. Chepi set up her explosives... which fizzled. Then fizzled again. And finally, just as everyone had thought the explosive was a dud, went *boom* most spectacularly.

The cover stone cracked, crumbled, and was ripped apart by a giant undead pirate captain that crawled out from the tomb. Polite discussion bore no fruit (the pirate quickly decided that the adventurers were agents of his mutinous crew, who had originally buried him alive in that tomb) and so a battle started. The pirate swung around a massive blade "three times the weight of a normal two-handed sword" and followed up with blasts of frost, shadow and lightning. Surprisingly, no one was seriously injured. For Zeneth, Thelarwen and Aroona, who were engaging the giant in melee range, it was fairly easy to dodge the massive blows as the sword was quite unwieldy. As for the spells, they did little damage. Because the pirate was wearing light leather and cloth, just your typical pirate gear, the attackers' blows ripped him apart pretty quickly. In no time the giant undead pirate's body crumbled into pieces.

Its spirit attempted to jump from the shattering body and enter Thelarwen, but never made it there when Lilandris shot it with her Light-infused blessed pistol. The spirit scampered off and was not seen again.

Now that the tomb was open and clear of hostiles, the treasure-hunting members of the adventuring party jumped into it and discovered a sealed chest inside. There were no locks or lids, it seemed monolithic, but Aroona quickly bashed it apart in her bearform. Only one item popped out of the remnants of the box: an amulet that appeared to have two empty slots for gems. Sadly Tessliana, who still carried the gem from last week, was not present so these two parts could not be reunited. While holding the amulet, both Aroona and Lilandris were given visions of Stormwind, the statue of a general at the gates (not sure what was up with that), and the King's throne room. And under the throne, another gem glowing sickly green.

While the group debated as to how exactly they should proceed with their task, can't just walk into the King's throne room and ask politely for a permission to conduct a search, a gnome appeared in the darkness of the tomb. The gnome spoke of "an artifact" which had been split into three pieces, and must never be recombined. As the "gnome" shapeshifted into an image of Tessliana, "she" indicated that Tess has one part (the gem from last week). Another shift into Draenei form and she pointed at Lilandris, who had the second part (the amulet). Back into gnome form, and finally he told the group that he cannot tell about the third part, as this was forbidden to him. Once again he urged the group to return those pieces they had already found and not look for the third. Being a magical construct, it then disappeared into thin air.

But of course no one considered the option of just leaving the artifact be. Next week they would be gathering in Stormwind and trying to find the final fragment, the green gem in Stormwind Keep.

Just as everyone was preparing to leave Tanaris, a slimy... something... crawled up from the sand and into Chepi's backpack, where it promptly set off Chepi's fireworks and explosives. Aroona, in a moment of not-so-clarity, decided that the best way to get rid of the slimy entity would be to eat it. Fortunately she was not injured by the blast of all the Chepi's explosives going *boom*, but she did get quite a bad case of indigestion...

Next week, the end of the chain in Stormwind.

[Adrenus]: Or is it?...