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PostPosted: 09 Mar 2016, 18:27
by Juste
"Argent Avenger wargear"


Sideview which actually shows the weapon.


Gear is Brighthelm of justice, Justicar Shoulders, Gloves from SW Cataclysm gear vendor and pants and gloves are from Dalaran PvP vendor. Belt is crafted Cataclysm pvp gear and the weapon is crafted and upgraded WoD 2h weapon.

PostPosted: 09 Mar 2016, 19:13
by Gergel
It would appear that, the first post notwithstanding, this thread can be renamed to "Share your Argent transmog". ;)

PostPosted: 14 Mar 2016, 16:17
by Sarawr
Outfit for a druid.
pathstalker.png (169.72 KiB) Viewed 22024 times
Here is another, which I call Pathstalker. Planned it for my druid. Usable by rogues and monks as well, especially if there is no need for the off-hand frill.

Double post merged on 14 Mar 2016 17:17

cleric of the shattered sun.png
cleric of the shattered sun.png (142.62 KiB) Viewed 22017 times

And another, for any race. Image shows draenei but the outfit page has blood elf there. I have also updated the previous post links to the outfit pages, and if you want to look at more outfits I have created on WoWhead, check this link.

PostPosted: 24 Mar 2016, 12:03
by Lilandris

I don't have names for my mogs, but I guess that will change in Legion. Anyway, here's one of my more commonly used sets for Lil. The robe, gloves and the hood is from the End Time instances. The belt is from the Throne of Thunder set for priests. Mismatched because that belt has a book on it (so her Lightmancer book is there as it should be yadda yadda). I do have half a mind to get the heroic version of the belt, since it would match better for white sets.

The shoulders are the Ulduar tier shoulders for priest. I use these instead of the End Time shoulders because the fuckers never dropped for me back in Cataclysm, and I haven't bothered to go back for them since. Besides, I think these shoulders match just fine.

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2016, 09:50
by Juste
Here is a little modified version to my previous Argent transmog which I just made up. I have been trying to build something which would look good with a spear.



It's the same transmog as my argent gear exept Helm is Pandaria PvP helm and Weapon is Spear of Xuen archaelogy find and Gloves are from the Butcher from Highmaul raid and the Tabard is Tabard of the Achiever.

PostPosted: 03 Aug 2016, 00:10
by Sarawr
A tip about transmog, especially on lower levels. It is wise to learn same look multiple times because of the level restriction. For example, I have a cloak that has five options it can be transmogrified as, and at level 54 my monk can only use one of them. Of course the level restriction is obsolete if you are at maximum level. I will share another transmog with you soon-ish as well. :)

PostPosted: 03 Aug 2016, 21:25
by Lilandris
What the hell? My transmog picture above has been altered o.O I thought I'd done a screeny but I guess I was wrong

PostPosted: 07 Jun 2017, 21:50
by Juste
Legion has some pretty cool armors with lots of gear having actual new models like chest pieces having additional blocks.

This is a mix of Trial of Valor gear and PvP gear which is a remodeled set from Burning Crusade. Horde has red version and Alliance has blue.


PostPosted: 15 Jun 2017, 23:16
by Serendipity
That's some spiffy looking armour.

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2017, 14:32
by Lilandris
Yeah that's really nice.