Warlords of Draenor Currencies, Mar 4 Hotfixes, Blue Posts and Tweets, Bonus XP in D3

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Topic/Postby Haggle » 05 Mar 2014, 08:15

Warlords of Draenor Currencies, Mar 4 Hotfixes, Blue Posts and Tweets, Bonus XP in D3

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Warlords of Draenor Currencies
There were a few developer interviews at the recent press events, so today we are taking a look at an interview with Ion Hazzikostas from PCGamesN. This interview was short with some paraphrasing, so Bashiok provided some additional clarifications below.

  • Valor Points were previously used to offset bad luck in getting raid drops, but the bonus roll system now fills that role.
  • The bonus roll system might get a little bit smarter, with less of a chance to get duplicate loot
  • PvP currently has two currencies, and the team is trying to get rid of one of them. Randomly assigning PvP gear wouldn't make sense, but Conquest Points work well.

Originally Posted by Bashiok (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
We're not quite ready yet to talk specifics, but the plan is not to just remove currencies, let bonus rolls stay as-is, and expect everything will work out fine. We're keenly aware of how gearing works in the game. I think the changes we have planned will assuage your fears once we are ready to lay it out.

(It's pretty cool. I think you'll like it.)

Until you are ready to talk about it, its doing you guys a disservice talking about half of the big picture. You're causing more chaos than anything. Im a normal/heroic player and I don't get to hung up on gear (Im used to RNG from D&D days), but as you can see, a lot of people get confused and frustrated at it.
Many people enjoy being upset and arguing about ifs, ands, or buts (or in the case of character models, actual butts).

A quiet and content forum is a sad and wanting thing.

I guess we're gonna have to agree to disagree there. When it comes to controversial changes, posting only the BAD half of the full picture just to get a (mostly negative) reaction is not the right way.

Want to get people talking? Post some of the stuff we can be HAPPY about. While we don't need to know everything all the time, getting only the bad side with none of the good doesn't do any favors to anyone either.

Well, actually, good news doesn't really create much interest, if you want to dissect it. But that's beside the point. We're obviously not intentionally releasing bad or angering information to try to get people riled up. That'd be silly. We do want to try to manage expectations. Letting people know far in advance that currencies are being streamlined gets that into people's brain meats early, and gives it time to sink in so that when they start seeing or playing that change it ideally isn't jarring and upsetting at that moment.

My point was that people discussing a change they have partial information about, debating the specifics, and questioning what it means, are not necessarily negatives. In cases where those are becoming destructive we'll generally try to provide some guidance to at least direct it back to a constructive conversation.

Patch 5.4.7 - Battleground Honor Increases
It looks like we won't be seeing those battleground honor increases until next week.


Patch 5.4.7 Hotfixes - March 4

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
  • Siege of Orgrimmar
    • Paragons of the Klaxxi
      • Kil'ruk the Wind-Reaver’s Reave should now cancel properly if he's defeated while channeling the ability.
Battlegrounds and Arenas
  • Twin Peaks and Warsong Gulch
    • Focused Assault debuff is now applied to flag carriers once both team’s flags have been picked up starting at the 1-minute mark (down from 3 minutes).

Blue Posts

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
DPS Deltas
Wont begin to matter till you do heroics though, unless you basically straight stack your 25 man raid with ~17 shadow priests.
The thing about discussing "worst" vs. "best" dps these days is that the delta between worst and best is quite narrow, probably the narrowest that it's ever been. As others in this thread have pointed out, different classes tend to perform better or worse depending on the fight. Also, even classes that might not have the best single target damage can contribute in other ways. For example, Shadow Priests have multi-dotting potential, and provide some healing as well. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Non-Raiding Players
I don't think we really view the game as being for raiders or non-raiders. At this point raiding is a large piece of end-game progression for everyone, not just those with dedicated guilds and hours of dedicated raiding time. You can jump into raids quickly now, and finish individual wings within a short amount of time. That doesn't mean everyone has to do it of course, you can play however you like, but the accessibility of LFR and now Flex mean that if you're not seeing that content you are stopping short of big chunks of content that the game has to offer for you. It's available for everyone to enjoy in many different difficulties and modes of accessing it.

I guess my point is I wouldn't label yourself. You're a World of Warcraft player, not casual or hardcore, or a raider or a non-raider. Jump into content you think will be fun, and explore, and try new things.

The person who doesn't want to ever step into a raid, even LFR has long been treated with a neglect. Benign or not it's still neglect.
I would ask why they don't want to step into a raid, and work back from there. Like I said it's a part of the game for everyone. Someone choosing not to ever step into a raid is choosing to avoid a huge chunk of character progression that is purposely created to be accessible for everyone playing. Stopping short of level 90 would also result in fewer options and availability for character power improvements.

There are many ways to hit 90 - there is only two ways to experience raid content. Either being matched with a bunch of strangers, or having to find people who can play when you play.
As an MMO it's not cruel and unusual that many of the games primary systems expect people to play together. I understand that a lot of people like to essentially solo-play the game, but ... well I guess that's a discussion on what this game is and to what degree we support each playstyle, even if that playstyle is contrary to the game's genre. I don't think there are any easy answers there.

I will say that our intent with Warlords is to offer more outside of raiding at max level. That may not be craftable gear, but ideally it'll be compelling solo and dungeon content throughout the expansion for everyone, and even more so for those who choose not to raid. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Blue Tweets

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
WoD Since hit/exp are gone, remove the parry (facing) penalty from melee to bring them closer to casters?
We're significantly reducing, but not completely removing it (except for tanks). We still want melee DPS behind the boss. (Celestalon)
Glancing blows do create variance between white vs yellow crit, but that just seems pointlessly complicated
We've effectively removed Glancing Blows. Won't happen except against +4 levels. (Celestalon)

Don't get why caster = guaranteed hit, whereas melee = glancing + parry potential. Just seems pointlessly uneven
We're effectively removing glancing, and you won't get parried from behind. (Celestalon)

Any current plans for order that player models (beyond dwarf / Orc) will be implemented? Also, they look fantastic so far!
Hard to say because we're working on a lot of them at the same time and its a fairly organic process. They're actually not "finished" when put up on Artcraft, just a point where I'm pleased with the current state and want to hear community thoughts (artofcgrobinson)
Can we expect them every month/fortnight then?
no, we're planning on releasing them whenever we have something to show (artofcgrobinson)

So I hope moonkin is included in the model revamps, because its been a long time since bear and cat got theirs
I agree, unfortunately not part of PC revamp, but definitely on the radar. (artofcgrobinson)

Warlords of Draenor Stats
I fully trust the stuff you guys are talking about, but what about people that lock at 60,70,80 to do "current" old raids?
The squish will not make it harder for those either. (Celestalon)

I'm sure it's been covered somewhere, but are secondary stats set in stone, or random like tertiary?
Set in stone, other than the rare random suffix items that you occasionally find ("of the Beast", "of the Tiger", etc.) (Celestalon)

Proving Grounds
Will current proving ground rankings carry over to WoD, or will we need to do them again for heroic dungeons?
There will be new Proving Grounds achievements in Warlords. (Celestalon)
Interesting, does that mean new title and old ones/titles becoming Feat of strength?
Still determining those details, sorry. (Celestalon)

What do you think about rolling all hard CC into 1 DR, and becoming immune for 10s after being hit by 2?
I don't like it (holinka)
Do you think re-CCs immediately after trinket should be full or DR'd?
They should still be DR'd. We have a lot of Trinket like effects out there. Better to be consistent with DR system (holinka)

After Warlords release, will the Fire-Watcher's Oath's bloody coin gain be upped and last longer when Timeless is less visited?
The area will probably be CRZ'd and feel pretty full. Not sure what's been decided there though. (holinka)

Would you ever consider raising 2s MMR across the board? Tougher to get up than 3s, especially if you're not a "tier 1" 2's class.
We increased the scaling in 5.4 to be on par with 3s. I don't think we need to do it further. (holinka)
but then how come getting 2.2 in 2s is like 100 times harder than it is in 3s seems like your doing alot more games
More competition (holinka)

can I ask why blizzard doesn't do tourtments though out the season just fun ones like do? The people like then!
We work with partners like that want to run tournaments. Make sure to support them if you want to see more! (holinka)

Image 50% Bonus XP In Diablo III – Limited Time Only
If you have put off leveling in Diablo III, now is a good time to pick that back up. You can earn an extra 50% experience from now until March 24th.


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