Where the ocean meets the land

Take a look into the life of a not-so-ordninary servant of the light!

Topic/Postby Lilandris » 13 Oct 2011, 17:17

Where the ocean meets the land

I really don't write as much as I should, however I've been working on this one slowly but surely for a while and I deem it finished, for now. I might pick it up and write a continuation at some point, hopefully soon.


Where the ocean meets the shore

Am I going nuts again? Please, don’t make me go back there, I beg of you! I do not deserve this!
Lil stared out to sea from the dock at Valiance Keep, the winds of the Borean Tundra howled and moaned around her and the icy, cold rain lashed upon her face. The only other people outside in this weather were the guards, they eyed the strange draenei sitting at the end of the dock.
“It would seem you are not out of the woods just yet, my child.” The sound of her mother’s voice entered her ears.
“M-mother?” Lil looked around until she spotted the image of her mother’s face in the water. The image stared at her blankly. “Why have you come?”
“Search your mind, I think you know that it was not my choice to show up.”
“Leave me alone!”
“I can’t, I’m sorry.”
“Like hell you can’t, like hell you’re sorry!” Lil shouted angrily.
There was a pause. Lil started crying.
“You still can’t let go, can you?”
“I’m not supposed to let go! That’s not the Lightmancer way!”
“You keep hiding behind your faith like some pathetic prophet, look at yourself! You are still a draenei, you are still mortal, you are still a woman... You are still a scared little girl.”
“You do not speak about my faith that way, you faithless backstabber!”
“Enough with this nonsense! This is not the point of this conversation!”
“Is anything holy to you?!”
“What do you want me to answer to that, what do you expect?”
“The truth!”
“Hah! And again you hide behind moral, like you are stainless yourself!” there was another pause. “You killed me for some so-called righteous cause, how righteous is a faith that makes you kill your own mother?”
“Do not make me doubt my faith! I know that what I did was wrong, I was mislead!”
“‘Mislead’ she says! This light that you so blindly worship leads you the right way then?”
“It does, it was not the light that mislead me, it was madness! The very same madness you sow the seeds for right now! What I did was wrong, but you’re starting to make me not regret it at the very least!”
“It is good to be without regret, my child, it keeps the mind sharp and focused.”
“So you didn’t have any regrets in life then? figures!”
“You do not speak to me in that tone, child!”
“I am not your child any longer, you witch!”
“Oh, but you are, you came from my womb and you shall keep that in mind at all times!”
“Argh! I’ll kill you again!”
Lil dove into the icy waters, as if to strangle the image of her mother with her bare hands. The guards that were watching her noticed her jumping into the water and rushed over to the docks.

Lil went into shock due to the waters’ low temperature, she couldn’t move at all, her lungs were on the brink of collapsing, she was about to drown. Death’s door hallucinations fluttered before her eyes, incoherent images of places, familiar faces, her fears came to life before her very eyes. In her head she could hear a strange voice repeating a sentence over and over: “Where the ocean meets the land, the lightmancer will see her end.” Lil was starting to black out. She felt a strange sensation, as if something was pulling her away, but she could barely feel it, or anything at all.

“I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you! I will kill youuuu!” The strange draenei was shouting and fidgeting violently as the guards pulled her out of the water. They were puzzled and struggling to stick to procedures for this kind of situation. There was something unsettling about this whole affair. Suddenly the Draenei gasped for air repeatedly, and her eyes flashed several times.
“Ma’am! Are you alright?”

“What is happening, where am I?” I will kill you!
“Nothing is happening, you are nowhere.” I will kill you!
“You are safe, you are home at last.” I hate you, and I will kill you!

“Call the medics, call the priests, anything!” The senior guardsman shouted at the other guard that was with him.
“Right away, sir!” The other guardsman ran off.

“So, how are we feeling then?” The voice of an old draenei man filled Lil’s ears and woke her up. The warm feeling of bedsheets welcomed her back to the world of the awake. Instead of asking where she was, she looked around, she recognized the architecture around her as draenei architecture, she was in the Exodar. She tried to raise herself up.
“Now now, no need to get ahead of ourselves, you are in no condition to get out of bed just yet.”
“I feel like I’ve been sleeping for years.”
The man chuckled.
“Years? No. Two days? Yes.”
“Why am I here?”
“You jumped off the pier in Valiance Keep, into the water, in Northrend.”
“You don’t sound surprised, so you remember then?”
“I don’t know.”
“What’s troubling you, child?” The man spoke in a calm, soothing, yet powerful voice.
“Inner demons I guess, specifically my mother’s image.”
“I have been told that you were shouting out that you were going to kill someone when you were pulled out of the waters.”
Lil froze, she regretted saying what she had said earlier.
“Th- that’s awful.”
“I see the mark on your forehead, your mother’s fault I’m guessing?”
Lil sighed.
“How is she these days, then?”
“She died some time ago.” Lil was avoiding the real issue.
“Very well. And you blame yourself for her death?”
“You could say that.”
“And when you see her ‘image’, as you put it, what does she do?”
“She heckles me, always talking down to me, destroying me from within.”
“So it was her who was the target of your threats then?”
“I guess it must have been, then, I must have snapped at some point.”
The man nodded slowly.
“I see, well I will leave you to rest for a while.”
Lil nodded, even though she disagreed with the notion that she needed more rest. She ended up just staring up into the ceiling.
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