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Reminiscing on the old times

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2022, 21:31
by Shevron
Last night I caught myself thinking about the things that made Moonglade, Moonglade.

You know, at the height of the WoW peak - somewhere between TBC and WotLK - the little nuances that made our realm feel like the home it was.

Things I remembered that made me smile inside:

- Rule of Three, lead by Ruliotrio
- The dude with the absolutely horrible gear combos - Mukslinger? (correct me on this)

Come on keep it rolling :D

PostPosted: 17 Jan 2022, 23:40
by Gergel
Vir Mortalis! And its leader... ...uh... Whatshername! Came up with some kind of a hardcore raider manifesto thing. Although I think that was well before WotLK.

Stormwind boxes. And Gergel's barrel.

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2022, 09:25
by Cherwina
I remember being the cuddly walking totem for community raiding back in TBC but I also remember my first panicked attempts at tanking in WoLK for Toot's Army.

PostPosted: 18 Jan 2022, 16:49
by Serendipity
Oh, Axira. She was a fruitcake. Although not actually the leader, that was someone called Maneras.

I'll have a to have a muse and list some of the weird stuff that went on. 2006 was a wild time for Moonglade :C

PostPosted: 19 Jan 2022, 08:17
by Tormeron
I always found it amusing and nice to walk down the streets and see you guys and the boxes being taken, so often I tried to claim the boxes whilst you were away and then one of you would make me get off the boxes.

Also the glitterclinks were an amusing guild to interact with.

PostPosted: 22 Jan 2022, 19:22
by Lilandris

Remember the Scarlet Crusade guild that existed back then? I forgot what their name was. Seem to recall that they were good people.

I remember attending the moon rising event. That was definitely a very Moonglade thing.

A certain controversial figure who thankfully moved to Argent Dawn comes to mind too :Q