Hordeside Story: RnP goes red!

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Topic/Postby Tiermaya » 27 Aug 2012, 01:27

Okay I'm starting this week's roll call early for reasons below. I'll be there on Tuesday.

I also want to drop the warning that it's patch day. Now my background downloader says I'm fully pre-downloaded but I find that as trust that as far as I can throw the average Blizzard employee. Between that and installation issues with the patch/possible server instability (though that's not as bad as it once was) we should keep in mind that people might not be able to get online on time.

Lastly there will be lots of changes we will have to work out and get used to. Once we've picked our specs and talents we'll all have class changes to deal with (I'm making it worse for myself by switching to Holy which I haven't played in about a year). I recommend checking out the Survival Guide if you want to hit the ground rolling.

Kayo might be the hardest hit here. From my dabbling with beta the Warlock class has changed a lot, but it's very, very fun now.
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Topic/Postby Kayora » 27 Aug 2012, 12:28

Can come, I 'll be checking out the patch of course, but I'll still have time at 20:00 for Hording around.

Tiermaya wrote:Kayo might be the hardest hit here. From my dabbling with beta the Warlock class has changed a lot, but it's very, very fun now.

Ehhh.. it can't be that hard. I'll just have to click a button with a different icon. And with five/four of us we've never had the slightest problem with solo quests.
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Topic/Postby Tiermaya » 27 Aug 2012, 13:19

It's more choosing stuff than learning to play it (it actually shows you which abilities you should be using). Affliction seems the most similar in playstyle. Demo is completely different in terms of playstyle.

Though I've now remembered the EU gets it's patches on Wednesday not Tuesday. All the news posts conveniently ignore this. I am a silly Tier.
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Topic/Postby Kayora » 28 Aug 2012, 19:00

not forgotten this, but my WoW wants my authenticator code- and my iPod wants charging. It's plugged in and all, but still too low a battery to actually let me use my apps. Hopefully I won't be waiting more than a few minutes more, it all depends on apple making good products.
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Topic/Postby Kayora » 01 Sep 2012, 20:01

Calindei’s Log Entry #26

After the previous promises of hot springs and volcanoes in Un’Goro, the group instead took this week to go and help Kalsera. It looks quite strange now to see it phrased in that way, at the time it was just Kal explaining to me- and Lokni over the radio, that she needed witnesses for her second attempt at becoming a Knight. I gave her my opinion of Knights, but she didn’t seem put off, and after hearing that the task would in fact take place inside a different volcano, the idea that I would be “helping” didn’t really cross my mind.
Blackrock Mountain is a lovely place.

Lokni seemed slightly more disgruntled, he was being contacted via radio, as I mentioned, since he seems to have gone back to Thunder Bluff or wherever else Tauren live. Apparently his daughter can’t be bothered to come back and do her job, and Lokni’s being dragged into it instead. And something else about my not being a trustworthy eye-witness that I didn’t really pay attention to. Not a trustworthy eye-witness? I have entire jars full of eyes, I’m far more capable than that senile old bull.
Anyway. Like I said, I was happy to go to Blackrock. Lots of lava and ash, no plants or anything that might make me sneeze. I wasn’t helping.


When we did arrive though- wow. Note to self: recruit goblin to set explosives inside Blackrock, when that thing comes down it’s going to be incredible.
A few dwarf corpses into the mountain we encountered a group of Horde- Trolls, Tauren, no Forsaken though, of course. They had ideas about who we ought to be killing and what we ought to be collecting, but mostly we ignored them, the actual task Kalsera had was to collect weapons from the Twilight Hammer servants and then break them on a great anvil within the heart of the mountain. Quite poetic. Quite pointless.

There were also some starving human prisoners trapped by the Horde party, I stood a while to watch them and giggle, but even Kal scolded me for that. I knew Lokni loved humans, I didn’t think Kal cared.


The mountain, shockingly, turned out to be rather large. The place was riddled with caverns, all of which were stuffed to burst with dwarves, Kal soon collected the necessary weapons, but we got lost more than once. At one point we had to turn back simply because a door wouldn’t open for us, and eventually we ended up killing an enormous elemental creature. He looked like a boulder made of magma, and I think one of the Horde party gave us a reward for his demise.

I also found a book, just as we defeated him, written in ancient elvish text but with pictures, too. While Lokni dozed off I showed it to Kal, who explained to me with some surprise that it had belonged to an elf she knew, a researcher. I’d make more of a note of this, but she took the book then before I had a chance to really see it- and alas, I’ve forgotten the elf’s name.
Oh well. It was boring anyway.


After Lokni woke up, and a little more trial and error, we came to a place deep inside the mountain guarded by fire elementals. I was beginning to wish Kal’mon could be made of fire rather than evil murky shadows, but then they all died too easily, so maybe it’s just better this way. A particular elemental whom the Horde party claimed was called Incendious (though I thought that was just a general description of him) guarded the great anvil, but he didn’t even scorch us before winking out of existence.
Kalsera moved to the anvil, and Lonki and I stood to watch as she laid out the enemies’ weapons and clove them in two.

That was all she needed to do, and I’m sure Lokni will testify to it and have Kal prance around as a new shiny “Knight” now. She’ll be pleased. I got to kill some Dwarves, anyway.


As the heat grew too much for even those without fur, we moved back through the caves to the safety of the outer world. Kalsera and Lokni said goodbye quite abruptly, I assume they’re already in Silvermoon being congratulated.

I’ve been waiting here with my box in Un’Goro. Killed a few horned lizards earlier, not sure what to do with the bones.
They’ll probably be back soon.

I’m lonely.
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Topic/Postby Tiermaya » 01 Sep 2012, 20:17

Awww. Poor Cal sitting on her own in the jungle. I loved the insistance she wasn't helping. A good fun read. I particularly loved this line:

Not a trustworthy eye-witness? I have entire jars full of eyes, I’m far more capable than that senile old bull.

That about sums up the credibility of the Bannerites I reckon. Kal didn't need witnesses, just extra bodies to increase her chances of survival. There was no reason to admit that however. :P

Great report as always. Fun read.
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Topic/Postby Lilandris » 02 Sep 2012, 19:26

It occurred to me just now, when and if we (including me hopefully :P) get high enough level, we could have a IC trip to Karazhan.

Is it just me or does this sound perfect for Red Banner? and we might even get our hands on some transmog gear :P
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Topic/Postby Kayora » 04 Sep 2012, 08:11

I (think) I'm going out today, but unless I somehow forget to look at the clock for 3 hours, I should be back and ready to play by 7.
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Topic/Postby Tiermaya » 04 Sep 2012, 09:42

I'll be there.
Serendipity wrote:****ing Royal Mail! They're about as much use as a condom made of tissue paper.
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Topic/Postby Sigmard » 04 Sep 2012, 12:01

Sadly, not going to be there by 7 unless the pantomime reveal is extremely short and someone gives me a lift home.

Which really sucks as I want to go to Red Banner too!

Just a thought, but since it seems to be just us three for the time being, any other times during the week suitable for you guys? As a purely temporary measure, I'm fairly certain my Tuesdays will be clear again by next week. Just a thought!
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