
Take a look into the life of a not-so-ordninary servant of the light!

Topic/Postby Lilandris » 22 May 2018, 20:13

Hahaha, I gotta say I'm amused by how much you appreciate this story, Shefaia.

I'm not much of a movie person, but I do like some Brooklyn/Jersey gangster action haha. Constance lives a slightly different life in present time (in-game), but she's old school, and won't let anybody forget that fact. You don't wanna mess with Constance! :Q
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Topic/Postby Shefaia » 22 May 2018, 22:38

I’ve just started levelling a troll (rolled in vanilla but spent a decade languishing at lvl 15!), maybe she can meet Constance sometime?
Boing! :bebored:
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Topic/Postby Lilandris » 23 May 2018, 06:51

Would probably be possible. Constance is technically on Argent Dawn these days though, but I still have her on Moonglade too. Yes, I made the same character twice and leveled her to max cus I didn't want to fork out for a character transfer.
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Topic/Postby Lilandris » 11 Jun 2019, 14:34

Wrote another piece as a sort of follow-up and closure for another character of mine, Iron the orc rogue, who unfortunately met her end in a Mak'Gora (damn you, biased D100 rolls!). Prior to the duel, Constance had been asked to take this following task on in the event that Iron would lose, as she had intended to carry this out herself in some way, but trusted Constance with it. And so here it is. This story takes place several years after the previous one in this thread.

In Memoriam Iron


Unfinished Business

As the pawn shop door opened, a bell rang to announce a new arrival. At this hour, though, no one was around to greet Constance, and she expected as much. The door had been left open for her, as she'd made arrangements with her uncle before her arrival in Orgrimmar. She locked the door behind her and stepped through the shop, behind the counter and through the door behind it again, into the back room. Her uncle's warm voice greeted her as soon as she came in.

"Constance! Good to see ya, kid. How's my favorite niece doin' eh? C'mere give your uncle a hug." He rose from behind his desk and approached Constance with open arms and a big smile on his face.
"Ey Uncle Paulie." They met halfway and hugged. Constance smiled and sighed in relief of finally having arrived after a long day's journey. "Still doin' good? Can't believe how long it's been since we saw each other last."
"Business as usual, though I'm left pulling a little extra weight after my beautiful daughter found herself a boyfriend. I don't know whether to be happy for her or smack her upside the head sometimes heheh." He raised his arms in feigned exasperation.
"Eesh, Selma forgettin' about her old man? That's no good. And how's the boyfriend? He a good guy?" Her smile spread into a sly grin. "Y'know if you need to I could make it look like an accident." She chuckled, clearly joking.
"Nah, he's a good guy. Treats her right, and he's as bulky as her, so they go nicely together. Wouldn't count on there being any other guys in the city who'd be man enough to be her boyfriend, so I guess we'd better hold off on any accidents yet." He turned away to head to the little cooking stove where he usually brewed his coffee. "Coffee?"
"Well shit I guess that's good news. Yeah I'll have one." Constance sat down at the round table in the middle of the room, reaching for her cigarettes and lit one up.
"So where's she at right now?"
"At home sleepin'. She's been putting in the work on that thing you're here about."
"Well I'm happy I can always count on old Uncle Paulie and Cousin Selma here in Orgrimmar."
"Ey, watch your mouth young lady, I ain't –that- old." He looked over his shoulder from the stove.
"Heheh, you're a day before mummy dust, old man." She teased, smiling over at him.
"Eesh! What'd I do to deserve this? I don't see you for over a year and then you come here and break my balls?" If he was more than just a little offended, he didn't show it much.
"Brakin' balls is what I do, Paulie, when I'm not makin' money that is. But if I'm not makin' money, it usually means somebody's balls need breakin'." She flicked the ashes from her cigarette into the ashtray on the table.
"Oh yeah, speakin' of which, how's your club in Booty Bay doin'?"
"Not jumpin' like when I first opened it up, but still doing pretty well. Helps that I offer a bunch of booze you can't get anywhere else in the city – I got good suppliers."
"Your ma' ain't givin' you any trouble over it I hope? She's still workin' her ass off at the Salty Sailor I imagine?" Paulie walked over with two cups of coffee, setting them down on the table before sitting down with Constance.
"Eh, we don't talk much these days. You know she and I always had a bit of a difficult relationship."
"Connie, Connie, bella nipote, you gotta take care of your mom, she's the only one you got."
"My name is Constance. And my two older brothers can take care of her just fine themselves. Besides, they ever come by their nice uncle and niece like I do?"
"Heh, they come by to pay their respects whenever their ships are laying over here at the port, the smug bastards. But they barely even stay for dinner, so you make a good point." He sipped his coffee. "Those goofballs think they're better than us, livin' the good life out on those ships."
"Hah! I know too much about what life is like out at sea for months on end. The 'good life', it is –not-, I can tell you that."

There was a lull in the conversation, both of them sipped their coffee in silence for about a whole minute until Constance spoke again.
"So, did Selma find what I needed?"
"Yeah, the blacksmith couple. They live over in the eastern valley, just like your friend told you."
"They're elders, right?"
"Yeah, he's certainly growin' long in the tooth by the looks of it. She on the other hand is a few years younger, but she's not far behind."
"And Selma, did she get her hands on that grunt uniform?"
"Yep. It's all ready for you two tomorrow."
"Perfect. Sounds like we're ready for music, maestro."
"This job… What's the deal with it anyway?"
"I don't wanna blab too much, but I'm sorting something out on behalf of my friend. Carrying out her last wishes."
"Oh… my condolences for your friend."
"Thanks." Constance heaved a sigh as she stumped her cigarette in the ashtray.

The following day was a normal sunny day in Orgrimmar. Constance and Selma headed to the Valley of Strength early in the day, when all the city's craftsmen had gone to work. The innermost ends of the valley could be very noisy with an army of smiths and other craftsmen hard at work. Metal being heated, hammered and cooled, foremen barking at their workers and all manner of hustle and bustle of a busy city. Once the two goblins reached the right address, Constance knocked on the door.
"Let me do the talkin' alright?" She looked sideways at Selma.
"Sure thing, cousin." Selma just stared at the door, waiting for the residents to open, but there was no answer.
Constance knocked again. Still no answer. Constance let out an annoyed grumble and muttered under her breath.
"Fuckin' old people sleepin' all day."
Selma then gave the door a good couple of knocks, putting way more force into it and raising her voice.
"Open up! Official city business!"
There were sounds from within akin to a disgruntled orc roused from his sleep, kicking over a saucepan or something on his way to the door. As it was opened, an old orc man stood in a ragged shirt and pants staring at the two goblins. His eyes said more than enough about his feelings about goblins, but seeing Selma in the grunt uniform, he made no commentary. Constance set off with her spiel confidently, she had rehearsed plenty before coming.
"Good morning, sir. Sorry to bother ya, but we're here on behalf of the city to inspect your fireplace, cooking stations and any other open flame utilities in your home."
"What for?"
"I'm glad you asked, sir. There's been a renewed focus on fire safety in Orgrimmar, by order of the newly appointed and warchief-approved board for Hazards-, Building-, and Fire Safety authority. So we are makin' the rounds all around the city to make sure everything all safety precautions are taken to avoid house fires during these hot summer days, and the rest of the year. Please, may we come in sir?"
The old orc looked incredibly bored by all that blabbering, but stepped aside so the goblins could enter. Constance hid a smirk, this was easier than she thought it'd be. The orc rubbed his eyes.
"Alright, be quick about it so I can go back to sleep. These old bones need their rest after a lifetime of serving the Horde at the forge."
"Of course, we'll only take up a few minutes of your time, sir, I'm sure." Constance scanned the room quickly for show, spotting the cooking station in the center of the room. "Oh, and I understand that you live here with your wife as well? Can you please bring her out here, as it is required that all members of the household observe our safety demonstrations. I can see already there's some things we need to cover about your cooking station sir."
The old orc rolled his eyes and slouched off to the other room. Once he returned with his wife in tow, Constance already had her big, shiny revolver pulled from her coat and cocked at the old couple. They both froze, and eyes widened at Constance.
"She was meaning to do this herself, but unfortunately she died in honourable combat before she was able to. Your daughter, Iron, who you abused and disowned and threw out on the streets, wanted you to know though, that she became a successful sailor and helmsman, a daughter you both could have been proud of if you'd only been reasonable, and not tried to force her to become a smith. But of course, you orcs and your pride. Guess there wasn't any room for love in there among all that pride, huh? Shame. Iron sends her regards, though."

Constance pulled the trigger, putting a big hole in the old man's chest and sending him straight to the floor. The old wife screamed, turning and running into the bedroom, but being old and not so swift anymore, she didn't get far before she was shot in the back and dropped to the floor in the bedroom. With her last bit of strength she crawled towards an axe that had been left on the floor before in the messy bedroom, but moving was hard after taking a big bullet like that. Constance walked in after her calmly, cocking the hammer of the revolver again.
The old woman groaned in pain trying desperately to reach the axe, but just before she'd reached it, another shot painted the floor with her brains. Constance holstered the smoking gun in her coat again. With hurried steps, she and Selma left and snuck down an alleyway only a few paces down the street, taking an alternative route back to the pawn shop to avoid any potential guards or other people who might have heard the shots. At this time of day though, there wouldn't be many people around in the area.

Once they were finally back at the pawn shop, Selma broke the silence between them.
"That was pretty cold, Constance, heh. Your friend really make you do that long tirade before popping those old geezers?"
"Yeah. She had a lot more to say to them than that, but I thought it best to keep it short so I stuck to the cliff notes. And you know what they say – Revenge is a dish best served cold. My friend Iron told me a lot about her parents. They definitely had this comin' with how they'd treated her when she lived under their roof."
"Sounds like it was personal."
"For her it definitely was. I was just carrying out her last wish though. Only business."
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Topic/Postby Sven » 12 Jun 2019, 13:14

Having Brak plunge his blade into her chest was satisfying for me ;)
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Topic/Postby Lilandris » 07 Jul 2019, 13:41

I'll have my revenge some day!
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