Application Form: shoka

Apply to Rhyme and Punishment here, should you be successful you can expect to receive our realm famous membership bag, complete with cheese coupons, half full bottles of wine, and a Toot plush toy.

Topic/Postby Shoka » 31 Dec 2016, 16:16

Application Form: shoka

::: In-Character Application Letter :::

Application Letter:

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To the Master and Officers of the company known as Rhyme and Punishment

Many many years ago, as a young man, soon after I had left my Order's monastery to travel and learn, I met a paladin. She was old and badly scarred, and she had but one ear. I stayed with her to care for her, because it was clear she was nearing the end of her days. She told of many things, of her guild, The Keepers of the Light, her marriage to Asghan and her friendship with Serendipity and the great city of Stormwind and of a great feud with the orc named Mononmakh. I conceived a desire to travel to see this place. When she passed away I buried her high in the mountains overlooking the Sholozar basin. I journeyed for many years, and taught in the forests of Pandaria, but ever my path drew me closer ... until I arrived finally in Stormwind. and now I seek audience with those of whom she spoke so highly.

::: Character Details :::

Name: shoka

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Class: Monk

Level: 110

Is this your main or alt?: Main

Current main and secondary specialization: windwalker, mistweaver

Current primary and secondary professions: skinning and leatherworking

Realm of Origin: Moonglade

Amount of time you have been on this realm: Years

Did you start the character on this realm, or is it a transfer? If transfer, from where?: Moonglade

Current guild you are part of, and previous guilds you have been in (if any): not part of a guild currently - my previous main, Saukendar was in the Keepers of the Light in Moonglade and the Vanguard of Valor on DarkmoonFaire

Background of previous guilds:

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I was one of the first members of the Keepers of the Light, an RP guild on Moonglade (started around the time of the opening of the Gates of Silithus). Originally a rogue, when the Keepers disbanded, I moved to Darkmoon and joined the Vanguard of Valor and made several RP machinima of the guild. When the guild leadership changed i returned to Moonglade and restarted regular playing. I have tanked as a warrior in WoTLK (10 mans) and healed as a paladin (WoTLK 10 mans). DPS as rogue and arms/fury warrior (WoTLK)

Since when have you been playing WoW?: Vanilla

Do you know, or have been referred by, a current member of RnP?: Saukendar was known to Serendipity

::: Player OOC Details :::

Real age bracket: 36+

Your country of residence: uk

Your level of English: Good

What kind of a player are you in terms of time spent online?: Somewhat regular

::: RP Details :::

Races / classes / factions your character hates or is "at war" with?: Shoka is highly morale and dedicated to destroying the Legion

How knowledgeable of the Warcraft lore are you?: Moderate

Your favourite WoW area, and why?:

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Northrend, I loved the Fjord, its atmosphere, the music, the topology (big thing with me, I do some 3D world building and world map making). Pretty impressed with Pandaria, the Jade Forest too

Your fondest RP memory:

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three: a massive multi guild RP back in pre BC days when Cinessa and Asghan got married at the Cathedral and a load of hungarian guilds turned up, must have been 40 or 50 RPers there
and an outstanding RP run through Karazhan with the Vanguard, we took it slow as made it as real as possible, totally in character (though we did the raid instructions via sound)
plus the annual Moonglade fair down at tanaris, cross faction RP was great and I still think the orc Monomakh was one of the best RPers around

Why did you choose Rhyme and Punishment?:

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I remember them as one of the best RP guilds in Moonglade, along with the KotL and the Cathedral and the Mithril Guard (who were huge in those days)

Why do you think that we should invite you as a guild member?:

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because I take guild responsibilities seriously and I am pretty laid back and easy to get on with

Are you willing to attend guild meetings?: Yes

Are you willing to attend guild RP events?: Yes

Any thoughts or questions you wish to ask the guild?:

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I am not a DPS technician - for me WoW is not about mad rampant gearing - I take it slow and enjoy it .. I dont rush so I am always low in DPS and havent done any dungeons or raids in a group since WotLK and I miss that aspect - but got so fed up with loud mouthed rude a*holes in the randoms I gave up. I was a good tank and healer, but i am a bit slow at DPS and need supportive friends around me - especially as I am still getting up to speed with Legion

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